The First Isomorphism Theorem helps identify quotient groups as "known" or "familiar" groups.
I'll begin by proving a useful lemma.
Proposition. Let be a group map.
is injective if and only if
Proof. ( ) Suppose
is injective. Since
Conversely, let
, so
. Then
, so by injectivity
. Therefore,
, so
( ) Suppose
. I want to show that
is injective. Suppose
. I want to show that
Hence, , so
, and
. Therefore,
is injective.
Example. ( Proving that a
group map is injective) Define by
Prove that f is injective.
As usual, is a group under vector addition.
I can write f in the form
Since f has been represented as multiplication by a constant matrix, it is a linear transformation, so it's a group map.
To show f is injective, I'll show that the kernel of f consists of
only the identity: .
. Then
Since , I know by linear algebra that the matrix
equation has only the trivial solution:
. This proves that if
, then
, so
. Since
, it follows that
Hence, f is injective.
Theorem. ( The First
Isomorphism Theorem) Let be a group map, and let
be the quotient map. There
is an isomorphism
such that the following diagram commutes:
Proof. Since maps G onto
, the universal property of
the quotient yields a map
such that the diagram above commutes. Since
is surjective, so is
; in fact, if
, by commutativity
It remains to show that is injective.
By the previous lemma, it suffices to show that . Since
maps out of
, the "1" here is the identity
element of the group
, which is the
. So I need to show that
However, this follows immediately from commutativity of the diagram.
For if and only if
. This is equivalent
, or
--- i.e.
Example. ( Using the First Isomorphism Theorem to show two groups are isomorphic) Use the First Isomorphism Theorem to prove that
is the group of nonzero real numbers under
is the group of
positive real numbers under multiplication.
is the group consisting of 1 and -1 under
multiplication (it's isomorphic to
I'll define a group map from onto
whose kernel is
Define by
is a group map:
If is a positive real number, then
Therefore, is surjective:
Finally, clearly sends 1 and -1 to the
, and those are the only
two elements of
which map to 1.
By the First Isomorphism Theorem,
Note that I didn't construct a map explicitly;
the First Isomorphism Theorem constructs the isomorphism for me.
Example. is a group under componentwise addition and
is a group under addition. Let
Prove that .
Define by
Note that
Since f can be expressed as multiplication by a constant matrix, it's a linear transformation, and hence a group map.
Let . Then
Therefore, ,
and hence
Let . Then
Therefore, . Hence,
Let . Note that
Hence, .
Example. is a group under
componentwise addition and
is a group under addition. Prove that
Define by
f can be represented by matrix multiplication:
Hence, it's a group map.
Let . Then
Thus, .
Let . Then
Now but
. By Euclid's lemma,
. Say
. Then
Thus, .
Hence, .
Let . Note that
Multiplying by z, I get
This proves that .
Example. is a group under
componentwise addition. Consider the subgroup
Prove that .
( is a group under
componentwise addition.)
Define by
Note that
Since f is defined by matrix multiplication, it is a linear transformation. Hence, it's a group map.
Let . Then
Hence, , and
Let . Then
Equating the first components, I have , so
. Equating the second components, I have
, so
. Thus,
Therefore, , and so
Let . Then
Hence, .
The first equality follows from . The isomorphism follows from the First
Isomorphism Theorem. The second equality follows from
Proposition. If is a surjective group map and
, then
Proof. , so
, and
Let , so
. Then
Therefore, is a subgroup.
(Notice that this does not use the fact that K is normal. Hence, I've actually proved that the image of a subgroup is a subgroup.)
Now let ,
, so
. I want to show that
. Since
is surjective,
for some
. Then
But because K is normal. Hence,
. It
follows that
is a normal
subgroup of H.
Theorem. ( The Second
Isomorphism Theorem) Let ,
. Then
Proof. I'll use the First Isomorphism Theorem.
To do this, I need to define a group map .
To define this group map, I'll use the Universal Property of the Quotient.
The quotient map is
a group map. By the lemma preceding the Universal Property of the
. Since
, it follows that
Since is a group map and
, the Universal Property of
the Quotient implies that there is a group map
given by
If , then
. Therefore,
is surjective.
I claim that .
First, if (so
), then
. Since H is the identity in
, it follows that
Conversely, suppose ,
The last equation implies that , so
Thus, .
By the First Isomorphism Theorem,
There is also a Third Isomorphism Theorem
(sometimes called the Modular Isomorphism, or
the Noether Isomorphism). It asserts that if
, then
You can prove it using the First Isomorphism Theorem, in a manner similar to that used in the proof of the Second Isomorphism Theorem.
Copyright 2018 by Bruce Ikenaga