In this section, I'll look at quotient rings of polynomial rings.
Let F be a field, and suppose .
is the set of all
multiples (by polynomials) of
, the (principal) ideal
generated by
. When you form the
quotient ring
, it is as if you've set multiples of
equal to 0.
If , then
is the coset of
represented by
Define (
is congruent to
) to mean that
In words, this means that and
are congruent mod
if they differ by a multiple of
. In equation form, this says
for some
, or
for some
Lemma. Let R be a commutative ring, and
. Then
if and only
Proof. Suppose . Then
for some
. Hence,
Conversely, suppose . Then
This means that
Depending on the situation, I may write or
Example. ( A quotient ring of
the rational polynomial ring) Take in
. Then two polynomials are
congruent mod
if they differ by a
multiple of
(a) Show that .
(b) Find a rational number r such that .
(c) Prove that .
(b) By the Remainder Theorem, when is divided by
, the remainder is
(c) I'll use the First Isomorphism Theorem. Define by
That is, evaluates a
polynomial at
. Note that
It follows that is a ring map.
I claim that . Now
if and only if
That is, if and
only if 2 is a root of f. By the Root Theorem, this is equivalent to
, which is equivalent to
Next, I'll show that is surjective. Let
. I can think of q as
a constant polynomial, and doing so,
. Therefore,
is surjective.
Using these results,
The first equality follows from the fact that . The
isomorphism follows from the First Isomorphism Theorem. The second
equality follows from the fact that
is surjective.
In the last example, was a field. The next result says that this is the
case exactly when
is irreducible.
Theorem. is a field if and only if
is irreducible.
Proof. Since is a commutative ring with identity, so is
Suppose is irreducible. I
need to show that
is a field. I need to show that nonzero elements are
Take a nonzero element of --- say
, for
. What does it mean for
to be nonzero? It
means that
, so
Now what is the greatest common divisor of and
? Well,
, but
is irreducible --- its only factors are
units and unit multiples of
Suppose , where
. Then
, i.e.
for some
. But then
shows that
, contrary to assumption.
The only other possibility is that , where
. So I can find polynomials
, such that
This shows that is the multiplicative inverse of
. Therefore,
is invertible, and
is a field.
Going the other way, suppose that is not irreducible. Then I can
find polynomials
such that
, where
both have smaller degree than
Because and
have smaller degree than
, they're not divisible by
. In particular,
But gives
This shows that has zero divisors. Therefore, it's not an integral
domain --- and since fields are integral domains, it can't be a
field, either.
Example. ( A quotient ring
which is not an integral domain) Prove that is not an integral domain by exhibiting a
pair of zero divisors.
are zero
divisors, because
Example. ( A quotient ring
which is a field) (a) Show that is a field.
(b) Find the inverse of
(a) Since for all
, it follows that
has no rational roots. Hence, it's
irreducible, and the quotient ring is a field.
(b) Apply the Extended Euclidean algorithm to and
Reducing mod , I get
is the inverse of
Example. ( A field with 4
elements) (a) Prove that is a field.
(b) Find so that
(c) Construct addition and multiplication tables for .
(a) Let . Then
. Since f has no roots in
, it's irreducible. Hence,
is a field.
(b) By the Division Algorithm,
This equation says that and x differ by a multiple of
, so they represent the same coset
(c) By the Division Algorithm, if , then
There are two possibilities for a and two for b, a total of 4. It
follows that is a field with 4 elements. The elements
Here are the addition and multiplication tables for :
The addition table is fairly easy to understand: For example, , because
For the multiplication table, take as an example.
; I apply the Division
Algorithm to get
So .
Alternatively, you can use the fact that in the quotient ring (omitting the coset notation),
(remember that
Remark. In the same way, you can construct a
field of order for any prime n and
. Just take
and form the quotient ring
, where
is an irreducible polynomial of degree n.
Example. ( Computations in a
quotient ring) (a) Show that is a field.
(b) How many elements are there in ?
(c) Compute
Express your answer in the form
, where
(d) Find .
(a) has no roots in
Since is a cubic, it follows
that it's irreducible. Hence,
is a field.
(b) By the Division Algorithm, every element of can be written in the form
There are 3 choices each for a, b, and c. Therefore, has
By the Division Algorithm,
(d) Apply the Extended Euclidean algorithm:
Copyright 2020 by Bruce Ikenaga