Let be a linear transformation of
finite dimensional vector spaces. Choose ordered bases
for V and
for W.
For each j, . Therefore,
may be written uniquely as a linear combination of
elements of
The numbers are uniquely determined by f. The
is the matrix of f relative to the ordered bases
. I'll use
denote this matrix. Here's how to find it.
I'll use std to denote the standard basis for
Example. Here are two bases for :
Suppose is a linear
transformation such that
Read the description of
preceding this example and verify that
was constructed by following the
steps in the description.
Example. (a) Define by
Find .
Apply f to the elements of the standard basis for , and write the results in terms of the standard
basis for
Take the coefficients in the linear combinations and use them to make the columns of the matrix:
Note that in matrix form,
In other words, is the same matrix as the
one you'd usually use to represent f by matrix multiplication.
(b) Let . Define
Find .
Apply f to the elements of the standard basis for , and write the results in terms of
Take the coefficients in the linear combinations and use them to make the columns of the matrix:
Here is a description of
in words:
If you keep this in mind, change of coordinates will make much more sense.
I'll verify the claim above for one of the basis elements . In terms of
This is correct, since , and the representation of
in terms of the basis
The matrix of a linear transformation is like a snapshot of a person --- there are many pictures of a person, but only one person. Likewise, a given linear transformation can be represented by matrices with respect to many choices of bases for the domain and range.
In the last example, finding
turned out to be easy, whereas finding the matrix of f relative to
other bases is more difficult. Here's how to use change of basis
matrices to make things simpler.
Suppose you have bases and
and you want
1. Find . Usually, you can
find this from the definition.
2. Find the change of basis matrices and
. (Take the basis elements written
in terms of the standard bases and use them as the columns of the
3. Find .
4. Then
Do you see why this works? Reading from right to left, an input
vector written in terms of is translated to
the standard basis by
takes the standard vector,
applies f, and writes the output as a standard vector. Finally,
takes the standard vector output
and translates it to a
I'll illustrate this in the next example.
Example. Define by
The matrix above is the matrix of f relative to the standard bases of
Next, consider the following bases for and
, respectively:
I'll find the matrix of
f relative to
. Here's how:
This matrix translates vectors in from
to the standard basis:
This matrix translates vectors in from
to the standard basis:
Hence, the inverse matrix translates vectors from the standard basis
to :
Example. (a) Suppose satisfies
What is ?
Write as a linear combination of
The numbers are simple enough that I could figure out the linear combination by inspection.
Apply T:
(b) is a basis for
. Suppose
What is ?
Consider the equations for T above. T is applied to the elements of
, and the results are written in terms of
the standard basis. Thus,
Since I'm applying T to the standard vector , I have to translate this to a
vector to use the T-matrix I found.
Example. Suppose is given by
(a) Find .
(b) Find .
(c) Compute .
This means: Apply T to the vector and write the result in terms of
Example. Here are two bases for :
Suppose is defined by
(a) Find .
Make a matrix using these coordinate vectors as the columns:
(b) Find .
Find the translation matrices:
Send comments about this page to: Bruce.Ikenaga@millersville.edu.
Copyright 2012 by Bruce Ikenaga