Theorem. (Schur) If A is an matrix, then there is a unitary matrix U such that
is upper triangular. (Recall that a matrix is upper triangular if the entries below the main
diagonal are 0.)
Proof. Use induction on n, the size of A. If
A is , it's already upper triangular, so there's
nothing to do.
Take , and assume the result is true for
Over the complex numbers, the characteristic polynomial of A must
have at least one root, so A has an eigenvalue and a corresponding eigenvector
By dividing by its length, I can assume
Build a basis with as the first vector, then use
Gram-Schmidt to construct an orthonormal basis with
as the first vector:
Since the columns are orthonormal, U is unitary. Then
The issue here is why the first column of the last matrix is what it
is. To see this, notice that is the matrix
of the linear transformation
relative to
. But
so this is the first column of .
The matrix B is , so by
induction I can find a unitary matrix V such that
is upper triangular. Then
is unitary, and
is upper triangular.
This completes the induction step.
Theorem. ( The Spectral Theorem) If A is Hermitian, then there is a unitary matrix U and a diagonal matrix D such that
(Note that since U is unitary, .)
Proof. Find a unitary matrix U such that
, where T is upper triangular. Then since
But then . T is upper triangular,
(the conjugate transpose) is lower triangular, so T
must be diagonal.
Corollary. ( The Principal Axis Theorem) If A is a real symmetric matrix, there is an orthogonal matrix O and a diagonal matrix D such that
(Note that since O is orthogonal, .)
Proof. Real symmetric matrices are Hermitian
and real orthogonal matrices are unitary, so the result follows from
the Spectral Theorem.
I showed earlier that for a Hermitian matrix (or in the real case, a
symmetric matrix), eigenvectors corresponding to different
eigenvalues are perpendicular. Consequently, if I have an Hermitian matrix (or in the real case, an
symmetric matrix) with n different eigenvalues, the
corresponding eigenvectors form an orthogonal basis. I can get an
orthonormal basis --- and hence, a unitary diagonalizing matrix (or
in the real case, an orthogonal diagonalizing matrix) --- by simply
dividing each vector by its length.
Things are a little more complicated if I have fewer than n eigenvalues. The Spectral Theorem guarantees that I'll have n independent eigenvectors, but some eigenvalues will have several eigenvectors. In this case, I'd need to use Gram-Schmidt on the eigenvectors for each eigenvalue to get an orthogonal set of eigenvectors for each eigenvalue. Eigenvectors corresponding to different eigenvalues are still perpendicular by the result cited earlier, so the orthogonal sets for the eigenvalues fit together to form an orthogonal basis. As before, I get an orthonormal basis by dividing each vector by its length.
To keep the computations simple, I'll stick to the first case (n different eigenvalues) in the examples below.
Example. Let
Find an orthogonal matrices O which diagonalizes A. Find and the corresponding diagonal matrix.
The characteristic polynomial is
The eigenvalues are and
For , the eigenvector matrix is
This gives the independent eigenvectors and
. Dividing them by their
lengths, I get
For , the eigenvector matrix is
This gives the independent eigenvector . Dividing it by its length, I get
Thus, the orthogonal diagonalizing matrix is
The diagonal matrix is
Example. Let
Find a unitary matrix U which diagonalizes A.
Since A is Hermitian, the Spectral Theorem applies.
The characteristic polynomial is
The eigenvalues are 4 and -2.
For , partial row reduction gives
(Since this is a
matrix, I
know that the second row must be a multiple of the first.)
An eigenvector must satisfy
I can get a solution by swapping the -1 and the and negating the -1 to give 1:
is an eigenvector for
For , partial row reduction gives
Using the same technique as I used for , I see that
is an
eigenvector for
The result I proved earlier says that these eigenvectors are automatically perpendicular. Check by taking their complex dot product:
Find the lengths of the eigenvectors:
Finally, U is constructed using these normalized vectors as the columns:
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Copyright 2014 by Bruce Ikenaga