A conditional proof is a proof of an "if-then" (conditional) statement.
Since any proof makes some assumptions, you might say that every proof is a conditional proof. But there are different kinds of assumptions you might make. Consider the following conditional statements:
"If , then
"If and
, then
There's an obvious sense in which the "if" part of the second statement has more content that the "if" part of the first statement. In the first statement, the "if" part doesn't give you much to go on. In the second statement, you would suspect that the number 3 is somehow related to the "then" part.
In this section, I'll look at proofs of conditional statements where the "if" part carries that kind of significant information.
Example. Prove that if and
, then
To prove the statement, you assume that . Now
If I add and
, I get
. I compare this inequality to the target
inequality, and I see that I'm missing a "2" on the left
and a "1" on the right. Well,
, so adding this inequality to
, I obtain
Notice the conditional nature of the conclusion. It's
certainly not true that for any
real number x. (For example, it's false if
.) The conclusion is true if the assumption
is true.
The last example shows how you write a conditional proof. In this
situation, you're trying to prove a statement of the form , where P is the set of assumptions --- it may be one
statement, or several statements --- and Q is the conclusion. You
assume P and try to derive Q. If you succeed, then
is true.
Example. (a) Prove that if x is a real number
and , then
(b) Give a specific example to show that the converse is false.
(a) Suppose . Then
Thus, ,
, and x are all
positive. The product of positive numbers is positive, so
(b) Take . Then
However, .
For the next few examples, recall that an integer n is even if it can be written as for some integer m.
An integer n is odd if it can be written as
for some integer m.
Example. ( Proving the
contrapositive) Let n be an integer. Prove that if is not even, then n is not even.
Recall that the conditional is logically
equivalent to its contrapositive
In some cases, you use this to prove a conditional statement by
replacing it with its contrapositive.
In this example, the given conditional statement is kind of awkward:
Both the "if" and "then" parts are negative
statements. And if I try to prove this conditional statement by
assuming the "if" part --- that is, assuming that is not even --- it isn't obvious how to
Instead, I replace the statement with its contrapositive: "If n
is even, then is even."
Begin by assuming the "if" part: Suppose n is even. By
definition, this means that , where m is an
integer. Then
Now is an integer, so
is even (by definition of
"even"). Hence,
is even.
Since I've proved the contrapositive, this proves the original
If a and b are integers, a divides b means
that there is an integer c such that . a divides b is written
for short.
For example, because
, and
On the other hand, 3 does not divide 5, since there is no integer c
such that . "3 does not divide 5"
is written
Note that an integer n is even if and only if .
Example. Prove that if n is an integer and n
is divisible by 3, then is divisible by
Note that you have to prove this directly from the definition and rules of algebra; you can't assume "obvious" things like "the sum of numbers divisible by 3 is divisible by 3" (unless you prove these "obvious" things first!).
Suppose n is divisible by 3. Then for some integer
m. So
The last expression is 3 times an integer. Hence, is divisible by 3.
Note that I didn't stop with " "
and say "the sum of integers divisible by 3 must be divisible by
3". That's true, but I haven't proved it. Can you do it?
Example. Prove that if n is odd, then leaves a remainder of 1 when it is divided by 4.
I assume that n is an odd number. I want to prove that leaves a remainder of 1 when it is divided by 4.
An odd number is an integer which can be written in the form
for some integer m. Since n is odd,
for some m.
Squaring n, I get
Since is divisible by 4,
leaves a remainder of 1 when it is divided by 4.
This proves the conditional statement that if n is odd, then leaves a remainder of 1 when it is divided by 4.
A conditional proof in logic will be a proof of a statement of the
form " ". To do this:
(a) State the premises.
(b) Introduce P as a new premise. Label it "Premise for conditional proof".
(c) Prove Q from P and the given premises using rules of inference as usual.
(d) Conclude " ". Label it
"Conditional proof", and include the numbers of the
statements for P and for Q.
Example. Premises:
Prove: .
To prove the conditional statement , I
assume the "if" part A and try to prove the
"then" part D.
The then-part D was proved in line 6. Together with the if-part A in
line 3, this proves the conditional .
Example. Premises:
Prove: .
To prove the conditional statement , I assume the "if" part
and try to prove the "then" part
The then-part was deduced on line 8. Together
with the if-part
in line 3, this proves the
Copyright 2019 by Bruce Ikenaga