Definition. If a and b are integers, then a
divides b if for some integer
n. In this case, a is a factor or a divisor of b.
The notation means "a divides b".
The notation means a does not divide b.
Notice that divisibility is defined in terms of multiplication ---
there is no mention of a "division" operation. The
definition agrees with ordinary usage: For example, 12 divides 48,
because . It does have the following peculiar
because (for instance)
. You may object that "you can't divide by
0", but that is a different use of the word "divide"
--- it refers to multiplying by the multiplicative inverse,
and it's true that 0 doesn't have a multiplicative inverse in any
"reasonable" number system.
If this still troubles you, there's no great harm in adding the
condition " " to the definition above.
Here are some things to keep in mind when writing proofs involving divisibility:
(a) It's often useful to translate divisibility statements (like ) into equations using the definition.
(b) Do not use fractions or the division operation
(" " or "
") in your
Proposition. Let a, b, and c be integers.
(a) If and
, then
(b) If and
, then
for all
Proof. (a) Suppose and
. Now
means that
for some m and
means that
for some n. Hence,
, so
(b) Suppose and
. Now
means that
for some m and
means that
for some n. Then
An expression of the form is called a
linear combination of x and y.
Here are some special cases of part (b):
1. If a divides x and y, then a divides and
2. If a divides x, then a divides for all b.
In the first case, apply (b) with and
). In the second
case, apply (b)
Example. Suppose n is an integer. Prove that
the only positive integer that divides both and
is 1.
Suppose k is a positive integer and and
. Then by part (b) of the preceding proposition, k
divides any linear combination of
. I'll choose a combination so that the n-terms
So k is a positive integer which divides 1 --- but the only positive
integer which divides 1 is 1. Hence, .
Definition. An integer is prime if the only positive
divisors of n are 1 and n. An integer
which is not prime
is composite.
For example, the first few primes are
On the other hand, the first few composite numbers are
Proposition. If n is composite, then there are
integers a and b such that and
Proof. Since n is composite, it is not prime.
Therefore, n has a positive divisor a other than 1 and n. Suppose
. I still have to show that
Note that if , then
(contradiction), and
, then
(contradiction). So a and b are
both different from 1 and n.
Suppose on the contrary that . Since
, it follows that
This is a contradiction.
Likewise, if , then since
, I have
This is a contradiction.
Now I know that a and b are positive integers which are not greater
than n, and neither is 1 or n. This implies that .
Proposition. Every integer has a prime factor.
Proof. I'll use induction, starting with . In fact, 2 has a prime factor, namely 2.
Suppose that , and that every integer k less than n has
a prime factor. I must show that n has a prime factor.
If n is prime, then n has a prime factor, namely itself. So assume n is composite.
By the last lemma, there are integers a and b such that and
. If either a or b is prime, then
I have a prime factor of n. Suppose then that a and b are both
composite. In this case, since
, I know that a must have a
prime factor, by induction. But a prime factor of a is a prime factor
of n, by transitivity of divisibility. This completes the induction
step, and the proof.
I sketched the proof of the following result when I discuss proof by contradiction. Having proved the last two results, the proof is now complete --- but I'll repeat it here. It is essentially the proof in Book IX of Euclid's Elements.
Theorem. There are infinitely many primes.
Proof. Suppose on the contrary that there are only finitely many primes
Consider the number
When this number is divided by ,
, ...,
, it leaves a remainder of 1.
Therefore, it has no prime factors. This contradicts the preceding
lemma. Hence, there must be infinitely many primes.
The situation changes greatly if you consider primes of a restricted
form. For example, it's not known whether there are infinitely many
Mersenne primes --- primes of the form , where
Proposition. If n is composite, then it has a
prime factor p such that .
Proof. First, an earlier result shows that
there are integers a and b such that and
. If
, then
which is a contradiction. Therefore, a and b can't both be greater
Suppose without loss of generality that . Then
either a is prime or a has a prime factor, by the preceding lemma. In
either case, I have a prime less than or equal to
which divides a, and hence divides n.
Example. Use trial division to determine whether 163 is prime.
By the last lemma, to test whether n is prime, divide n in succession
by the primes less than . If no such
prime divides n, then n is prime.
I have . By trial, I find that
Since these are all the primes less than , it follows that 163 is prime.
There are simple tests for divisibility by small numbers based on the decimal representation of a number.
If is the decimal
representation of a number, its digital sum is
That is, is the sum of the digits of x. For example,
Proposition. (a) A number is even (divisible by 2) if and only if its units digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.
(b) A number is divisible by 5 if and only if its unit digit is 0 or 5.
(c) A number is divisible by 3 if and only if its digital sum is divisible by 3.
(d) A number is divisible by 9 if and only if its digital sum is divisible by 9.
Proof. Suppose is the decimal representation of a positive integer
x. Then
All of the results can be proved by using this representation (and
where appropriate, the digital sum). For example, here's a sketch of
the proof of (a). Note that since ,
Thus, for some integer m,
From this, it follows that if and only if
is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8. I'll let you write out the
For (c) and (d), note that
Each term of the form is
nines), so the right side is divisible by 3 and by 9.
is divisible by 3 and 9, so x is divisible
by 3 or 9 if and only if
If you're uncomfortable about using the decimal representation of
, you can note that for
Hence, .
For example, 9183 is divisible by 3, since is divisible by 3. And 725 is not divisible
by 9, because
is not divisible by 9.
Remark. The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic states that every positive integer greater than 1 can be expressed as a product of powers of primes, and this expression is unique up to the order of the factors.
For example,
Here is a sketch of the proof that every positive integer greater
than 1 can be expressed as a product of powers of primes. Do a
generalized induction: is a product of a single prime
(namely 2), and that is the basis step. Take an integer
, and suppose every integer greater than 1 and less
than n can be written as a product of powers of primes. If n is
prime, we're done (since a prime is product of a single prime, namely
itself). If n is not prime, an earlier result show it can be factored
, where
. By the induction
hypothesis, factor a and b into products of powers of primes. Then
putting their factorizations together shows n factors into a product
of powers of primes.
The proof that a factorization into a product of powers of primes is unique up to the order of factors uses additional results on divisibility (e.g. Euclid's lemma), so I will omit it.
While this result is very important, overuse of the Fundamental
Theorem in divisibility proofs often results in sloppy proofs which
obscure important ideas. Try to write your proofs in other ways.
Definition. Let m and n be integers, not both
0. The greatest common divisor of m and n is the largest integer which divides both
m and n.
The reason for not defining " " is that any
integer divides both 0 and 0 (e.g.
), so there is no largest integer which divides both
0 and 0.
Here are some numerical examples:
Proposition. Let m and n be integers, not both 0.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) and
(d) If a and b are integers, then
Proof. (a) 1 is a common divisor of any two
integers m and n. Since is the greatest common
(In particular, must be positive.)
(b) First, I'll show m and have the same divisors. If
, then
for some integer a. So
, and hence
. But
is either m or
, and hence
Conversely, suppose --- say
for some integer a. If
, then
. And if
, then
, so
, and
Thus, m and have the same divisors, and likewise n and
have the same divisors. It follows that the common
divisors of m and n are the same as the common divisors of
. Since the sets of common
divisors are the same, their largest elements must be the same ---
that is,
(This means that when you compute the greatest common divisor of two numbers, you can take absolute values to get two positive numbers.)
(c) This follows from the definition: (is the largest
integer which) divides both m and n.
(d) Since and
, we have
by an earlier divisibility
You might be able find the greatest common divisor of two relatively small numbers by factoring. But what if the numbers are too big to be factored? The Euclidean algorithm gives a method for computing the greatest common divisor of two positive integers using only integer division.
Example. Compute .
I'll arrange the computations in a table with two columns. Begin the first column with the larger number first. Divide 271 by 113:
Put the quotient 2 next to the 113 and the reaminder 45 below the 113.
(Note that there is a blank space (marked with a "-") next to 271. This isn't important here, but later you may see a third column added to this table for the Extended Euclidean Algorithm, in which case the blank space is important.)
Continue in the same fashion: Divide 113 by 45:
Put the quotient 2 next to 45 and the remainder 23 below 45.
The table stops when you get an a first column number "divides evenly into" the one above it. The the remainder is 0, and since you can't divide by 0, the process must stop. The last nonzero remainder is the greatest common divisor. So
You can at least see from this example why the process has to stop. When you divide, the remainder is always less that the thing you divided by. So the remainders in the first column are positive numbers that keep getting smaller --- and since the process can't go on forever (reason: the Well-Ordering Axiom for the positive integers), it must end in the only way possible with a remainder of 0.
I won't prove that this algorithm gives the greatest common divisor,
but here's the idea: The greatest common divisor of any two
consecutive numbers in the first column remains the same. Check it
yourself in the table above.
Example. Show that if n is an integer, then
is either 1 or 2.
divides both n and
, so it divides any
linear combination of n and
. In particular,
Now ; the only positive integers which divide 2
are 1 and 2. Therefore,
is either 1 or 2.
Notice that both of these cases can occur: If , then
, and if
Proposition. If for some
, then
Proof. and
, so
But , and the only positive integer which
divides 1 is 1. Therefore,
Definition. Let . m and
n are relatively prime if
Thus, the last lemma says that if some linear combination of m and n equals 1, then m and n are relatively prime.
Example. Prove that for all ,
are relatively
Two integers are relatively prime if their only (positive) common
factor is 1. Thus, this problem says that 1 is the only common factor
of and
The table below shows the values of and
. The result seems plausible
based on the evidence.
To prove it, I'll use part (a). I want numbers a and b such that
Since there are no n's on the right side, I want to choose a and b to make the n's on the left cancel out. One way to do this is
This linear combination is equal to 1, so by (a), .
As the example shows, one way of showing that two integers are relatively prime is to find a linear combination of them that equals 1. The converse is true: If two integers are relatively prime, then some linear combination of the integers equals 1.
In fact, more is true: The greatest common divisor of m and n can always be written as a linear
of m and n. An extended version of the
Euclidean algorithm finds a linear combination
such that
. You'll probably
see this result in a course in abstract algebra or number theory; I
won't prove it here.
Copyright 2020 by Bruce Ikenaga