We've seen that quadratic irrationals correspond to periodic
continued fractions. A periodic continued fraction may repeat
eventually (like ) or repeat from the start (like
). In this section, I'll
consider the second case.
Definition. A continued fraction of the form
is purely periodic.
I'll derive a criterion for a quadratic irrational to have a purely
periodic continued fraction. It is a result of Galois from 1829
([1]). Recall that if is a quadratic
irrational, its conjugate is
Theorem. Let be a quadratic
irrational. The continued fraction for x is purely periodic if and
only if
Proof. ( ) Suppose
. Using the
general continued fraction algorithm and properties of conjugates, I
Note that for
. But
, so
. Thus,
Claim: For all ,
I'll prove the claim using induction. First, , so by
Assume that .
, so adding
Since the middle inequality shows , I have
This proves the claim by induction.
Using the claim, I have
This inequality says that , and also that
is an integer which differs from
by less than 1. It follows that
Since x is a quadratic irrational, its continued fraction is periodic. Thus, there are indices i and j such that
Thus, implies
. Continuing to reduce
indices in this way, I eventually obtain
Hence, x is purely periodic.
( ) Suppose x is
a quadratic irrational that is purely periodic, so
, where
. Note
. I have
The quadratic function has x and
as its roots. I already know
; I need to show
. It's enough
to show that f has a root between -1 and 0: Since that root can't be
x, it must be
First, .
Then and
implies that there's a root
between -1 and 0 by the Intermediate Value Theorem. As noted above,
that root must be
Thus, and
For example,
. Its
continued fraction is
On the other hand, , but
does not lie between -1 and 0. Its
continued fraction is
To motivate the next result, consider the following example.
Example. (a) Compute the numerators and
denominators of the convergents for .
(b) Compute the numerators and denominators of the convergents for
Look at the numbers in the last two rows of the tables in the last example. They suggest the following result.
Theorem. Consider the continued fractions
Let and
denote the numerator and denominator of the
convergent for x.
Let and
denote the numerator and denominator of the
convergent for y.
Remark. By reversing the roles of x and y, it also follows that
Proof. (a) We'll induct on n. For , consider the convergents tables
The result holds for .
Assume that the result holds for n (that is, that it holds for a
fraction with terms and its
reverse). I need to prove the result for
--- that is, for the fractions
, I have
Note that the primed p's and q's are for , not for
I have
I'll apply the induction hypothesis to and
. Note that
are the same for
However, the p's and q's for
and for
are different,
so I'll use double-primed p's and q's for
. With this
understanding, the induction hypothesis gives
Then using the last two equations, I have
By induction,
This proves the result for , so the result holds for all
by induction.
(b) Recall that
It follows that and
in lowest terms. But
are convergents of a continued fraction, so they're
in lowest terms as well.
is an equality between fractions in lowest
terms, so
. Likewise,
is an equality between fractions
in lowest terms, so
This result relates a finite continued fraction and its
. The next
result (also due to Galois) considers the relationship between the
purely periodic continued fractions
Theorem. Let be a purely periodic quadratic irrational. Then
is purely periodic, and
Proof. The idea is to show that and
are roots of the same quadratic
equation. This implies that they are conjugates.
Let be the
convergent of x. Then
The convergents algorithm gives
Let denote
convergent of
y. The convergents algorithm gives
By the preceding theorem, ,
, and
. So
Thus, x and are roots of
the quadratic
, so they must be conjugates:
[1] É. Galois, Démonstration d'un théoréme sur les fractions continues périodiques, Annalles de mathématiques 19 (1828), 294--301.
Copyright 2019 by Bruce Ikenaga