Theorem. ( Gauss's
Lemma) Let p be an odd prime, . Let k be the number of least positive
residues of
Proof. Since p is odd, is not an integer. Hence, every residue of
, ...,
is either less than
or greater than
. Label these two sets:
Thus, .
Step 1 .
The 's are contained in
, because the
's are less than
(so less than or equal to
What about the 's?
Since is an integer and
is an integer plus one-half, I have
. This shows that the
's are contained in
as well.
There are elements in
, and
. So if the
's and
's are all distinct, I'll
know the two sets are equal.
Each has the form
, where
. So if
are the same, then
, so
. This is
impossible for
--- which implies
to begin with.
A similar argument shows that the 's, and hence the
's, are distinct.
Could ?
, so
Again, , so
. But
, so
is impossible.
This finishes the proof that .
Step 2 Since the two sets are the same, the products of the elements in the two sets are the same:
Now , so
But the a's and b's are exactly the residues of the numbers , so I may replace the
product of the a's and b's with the product of
Now , so I can
cancel the
terms from both sides. Then applying Euler's theorem,
I get
I made the last step by multiplying both sides by and using the fact that
Example. Use Gauss's Lemma to compute .
Since , I have
Look at the residues
, and
. All three are greater than 3.5 ---
's, in the notation of the proof of Gauss's
Lemma --- so Gauss's Lemma says
As a check, Euler's theorem gives .
The following technical lemma will be needed for the proof of reciprocity.
Lemma. Let , where b is an odd integer. Then
Here denotes the greatest integer function and
is the integer closest to
Proof. By the Division Algorithm,
Now is not an integer, so either
(For example, if and
, then
, while if
Consider the two cases.
Case 1: .
Here , and
is the integer closest to
, but
is not an integer, so
, and
Case 2: .
Here , and
is the integer closest to
, so
. Now
, so
, or
. Since
is not an integer,
. Therefore,
Example. Illustrate the lemma with:
(a) and
(b) and
(a) For and
, I have
, so the integer closest to
is 2. Then
And .
(b) For and
, I have
, so
the integer closest to
is 3. Then
And .
In other words, the r in the lemma represents the distance from a to the nearest multiple of b.
The is needed depending on whether the nearest
multiple is less than or greater than a.
I'll use the lemma to give an ingenious proof of Quadratic Reciprocity due to J.S.~Frame [1].
Theorem. ( Quadratic Reciprocity) Let p and q be distinct odd primes.
Proof. To simplify the writing, let and
Let . Apply the Lemma with
Here and
or 1.
The first thing I will show is that the remainders are just a permutation of the integers 1, ...,
If I take the initial equation and reduce mod q, I get
Can two of the r's be equal? Suppose , where
. Then
In other words, . But
, so
is surely smaller than q in
absolute value. Since
, this is impossible
. This in turn
is impossible unless
. Thus, the r's are distinct.
Since there are
of them, and since they're all in
the range
, they must be some permutation of
the numbers 1, ...,
As a preliminary to the next computation, take the first equation and
reduce mod 2. Now p and q are odd, so they equal 1 mod 2. Also, , and it both cases
. Therefore,
(I'm going to use this in an exponent of -1 in a second!)
Now let ,
. Then
, for
--- which is impossible, because
Now here's the heart of the proof. The idea will be to define a weird product which turns out to be the Legendre symbol. Define
Notice that is a fancy
way of expressing the sign of
when it's positive, -1
when it's negative.
When is negative?
That is, is negative for
So the product for
for fixed n has
terms equal to -1,
(The terms equal to 1 contribute nothing to the product.)
The last equality comes from the fact that .
Now if then
. So
Since the 's are just the integers from 1 to
and since n runs from 1 to
, the sum of the
's is the same as the sum of the n's from 1 to
, and
So the previous equation becomes
Recall from above that
Now is invertible mod q, so I may write
Plugging this into the last equation for , I get
But , because as n runs over the numbers from 1 to
, so does
. So by Euler's
Notice that
I got the second product by swapping m and n in the first.
Whew! The rest is easy --- fortunately!
Since and
, I'm done!
As complicated as this proof is, it's actually no worse than most proofs of this result.
Before giving an example, I want to discuss what reciprocity tells you about solutions to quadratic congruences.
An odd prime p is congruent to 1 or to 3 mod 4.
If , then
, an even number. If
, then
, an odd number.
Since an even number times anything is even,
Consider the congruences
This means:
1. If at least one of p, q is congruent to 1 mod 4, then both equations are solvable or both equations are unsolvable.
2. If both p and q are congruent to 3 mod 4, then one equation is solvable and the other is unsolvable.
Corollary. Let p and q be distinct odd primes.
(a) If at least one of p, q is congruent to 1 mod 4, then
(b) If both p and q are congruent to 3 mod 4, then
Example. Compute .
, so
In other words, does not have any
Example. Compute .
I'll compute and
. First,
Next, I'll compute and
Therefore, , and
In other words, the congruence does not have a solution.
[1] J.S. Frame, A short proof of quadratic reciprocity, Amer. Math. Monthly, 85(10)(1978), 818--819.
Copyright 2019 by Bruce Ikenaga