Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Action Summary
Faculty Senate Meeting
May 1, 2001

(1) Dr. Yalda presented the motion that Dr. Robert S. Ross be granted the title of Professor of Meteorology Emeritus {see attachment}.

Dr. Luek seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

(2) Dr. Frerichs presented the motion that Associate Professor Mary Allen Reid Klinedinst be granted the title of Professor of Educational Foundations Emeritus {see attachment}.

The motion was seconded by Dr. Luek. The motion passed unanimously.

(3) Dr. Frerichs presented the motion that Mrs. Marjorie A. Trout be granted the title of Instructor of Wellness and Sport Sciences Emeritus{see attachment}.

The motion was seconded by Dr. Dorman. The motion passed unanimously.

(4) Dr. Frerichs presented the motion that Dr. Gene A. Carpenter be granted the title of Professor of Wellness and Sports Sciences Emeritus {See attachment}.

Dr. Fenwick seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

(5) Dr. Wismer made the motion to amend the new attendance policy {see previous attachment to the Minutes of April 17}by adding an implementation date of no earlier than Spring 2002.

The motion to amend was seconded and passed unanimously.

(6) Paul Studdard made a motion to postpone the issue until Fall. The motion was seconded by Kathy Schreiber. After a brief discussion, the motion to postpone consideration was defeated. The Senate proceeded to a vote on the amended motion and it passed.

(7) Dr. France moved the proposal concerning the granting of posthumous undergraduate diplomas and certificates. {see attachment}. Since the proposal came from a Senate committee, no second was needed. The proposal passed unanimously.

(8) Dr. Kerper moved the proposal concerning the granting of posthumous graduate diplomas {see attachment}. Since it came from a Senate committee, no second was required. The graduate proposal passed with one dissenting vote.

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