Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Meeting of the Faculty Senate
May 1, 2001

Chairperson Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM in Chryst 210. All departments were represented.

The minutes of the April 17, 2001 meeting were approved without additions or corrections.

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson


(1) Chairperson Piperberg announced that he had received the results of two departmental Senate and alternate elections. If members are uncertain whether they are supposed to hold an election this year in their department, he recommended checking the minutes of the April 3 meeting or giving him a call.

(2) The chairperson reminded faculty again about the upcoming summer meeting on June 12 at 3:00 PM at Myers Auditorium in McComsey Hall. Snacks and beverages will not be provided.

(3) The chairperson asked the Chairs of Senate committees who have not yet brought in their annual reports to do so in the next two weeks. He will compile them and copy them for distribution at the June 12 meeting. Marjorie Warmkessel should also get a copy of the report for addition to the Senate Web site. She would prefer that they be sent via e-mail. The second choice would be on floppy disk. If neither of these are options, a paper copy of the report would be acceptable.

(4) The Chairperson reminded faculty to urge department members to attend commencement in or out of academic regalia.

(5) Chairperson Piperberg announced that he anticipated having the list of Fall vacancies for Senate committees available at the June meeting. If Senators are aware of any resignations from their committees of which he may not be aware, please make sure to inform him. Richard Glenn has notified the Chairperson that he will be resigning from the Senate and as Chair of the University Honors Program Committee.

Report of the Student Senate President

Student Senate President Baker reported that it had been a productive year and that offices will be opening up soon including his own as he is retiring as Student Senate President at the end of the year.

Report of the Graduate Student Organization President None.

Report of the Administrative Officers

Acting Registrar Candae Deen reported that more Juniors and Seniors used the Web registration system than did the Freshmen and Sophomores who used the phone system more often. Some department chairs used the override feature in Banner during registration; this feature allowed them to open seats in courses if it became necessary. It was reported that all went well.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees

Dr. Wismer, Chairperson of UCPRC, reported that there were proposals on the table for consideration including: MATH 107 (College Algebra Enrichment), MATH 171 (Freshman Seminar in Mathematics), ELED 314 (The Parent-Teacher Relationship in Early Childhood Education), EDUC 215 (The Young Child and Education), and EDUC 316 (The Parent-Teacher Relationship in the Elementary School).

Rick Kerper, Chairperson of GCPRC, introduced the following new courses for consideration by the Senate at the June 12, 2001 meeting

BAUD 653 - Operations Management

BAUD 632 - Relationship Marketing

EDFN 560 - Post Baccalaureate Clinical Practicum in Student Teaching

Sepi Yalda, Chairperson of the University Theme Committee, reported that the committee would be prepared to make a recommendation for the next University Theme at the June meeting. {See attached committee report}.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Special Committees

Kathy Schreiber, Chairperson of the Ad Hoc Honor Code Committee, gave a brief update describing the committee's efforts on academic integrity issues. She further reported that focus groups had already been conducted with more scheduled for the Fall. {See attached committee report}.

Proposed Courses and Programs None.

Faculty Emeritus

(1) Dr. Yalda presented the motion that Dr. Robert S. Ross be granted the title of Professor of Meteorology Emeritus {see attachment}.

Dr. Luek seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

(2) Dr. Frerichs presented the motion that Associate Professor Mary Allen Reid Klinedinst be granted the title of Professor of Educational Foundations Emeritus {see attachment}.

The motion was seconded by Dr. Luek. The motion passed unanimously.

(3) Dr. Frerichs presented the motion that Mrs. Marjorie A. Trout be granted the title of Instructor of Wellness and Sport Sciences Emeritus {see attachment}.

The motion was seconded by Dr. Dorman. The motion passed unanimously.

(4) Dr. Frerichs presented the motion that Dr. Gene A. Carpenter be granted the title of Professor of Wellness and Sports Sciences Emeritus {See attachment}.

Dr. Fenwick seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

Academic Policy Items - Attendance Policy & Posthumous Diplomas/Certificate (also the related GCPRC Policy)

Rich France, from the Academic Policies Committee, began what turned into a lengthy discussion concerning the question of what counts as an acceptable excused absence, and how many absences should be acceptable in a given semester. Both Dr. Frerichs and Dr. Miller expressed concern that some students might be penalized for missing a scheduled class that conflicts with a university sanctioned event or athletic contests. The possibility of abuse by some instructors could occur without at least some safeguards for the student who is legitimately participating in MU events. It was suggested that each department should come up with its own consistent attendance policy that is made clear to all students taking their courses.

Dr. Wismer made the motion to amend the new attendance policy {see previous attachment to the Minutes of April 17}by adding an implementation date of no earlier than Spring 2002.

The motion to amend was seconded and passed unanimously.

Paul Studdard made a motion to postpone the issue until Fall. The motion was seconded by Kathy Schreiber. After a brief discussion, the motion to postpone consideration was defeated. The Senate proceeded to a vote on the amended motion and it passed.

Dr. France moved the proposal concerning the granting of posthumous undergraduate diplomas and certificates. {see attachment}. Since the proposal came from a Senate committee, no second was needed. The proposal passed unanimously.

Dr. Kerper moved the proposal concerning the granting of posthumous graduate diplomas {see attachment}. Since it came from a Senate committee, no second was required. The graduate proposal passed with one dissenting vote.

Chairperson Piperberg adjourned the meeting with the stipulation that all deferred agenda items would appear on the June 12 agenda.

The meeting adjourned at 5:45 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,


Jen Miller


Action Summary
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