Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Meeting of the Faculty Senate
October 21, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 4:09 p.m. All departments were represented except Music.

I. Minutes of the October 7, 2003 Faculty Senate Meeting

The minutes were approved as distributed.

II. Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

Chairperson Piperberg reported that Bruce Ikenaga who was elected at the last meeting to the Academic Policies Committee will be unable to serve due to scheduling conflicts that he did not foresee. This seat will remain open.

Chairperson Piperberg presented the name of a nominee for an At-Large seat on the Commencement Speaker Committee, Donna Topping. A Wismer/Luek motion to close the nominations for this seat and direct the Secretary to cast a ballot in favor of the nominee passed without dissent.

Senator Heintzelman, APSCUF Faculty Senate representative, reported that Dr. Smith, the APSCUF president, advised the Faculty Senate not to take further action in discussion of a policy regarding the decision of students to honor the picket lines in the event of a strike. There should be enough time to have these discussions if a strike becomes imminent. Also, the APSCUF president advised that any policy coming from the Faculty Senate would also have to go to state APSCUF for approval.

Chairperson Piperberg reported that as a member of the subcommittee of the Inaugural Committee charged with organizing student, faculty and alumni presentations during President McNairy's inauguration celebration (April 2 and 3, 2004), he would like to collect ideas from the faculty on potential events. It is hoped that over the two-day period, we will be able to schedule a variety of events highlighting the achievements of faculty, alumni and students. The ideas could be general or specific in nature. He asks that suggestions for such events should be sent to him via e-mail.

III. Report of the Student Senate President

Kristin Albright, the Student Senate President reported that elections were conducted to fill the seats that were not filled in the first election.

The Student Senate sponsored a float in the Homecoming Parade that took place on October 18, 2003.

IV. Report of the Graduate Student Organization--No report.

V. Report of Administrative Officers

VI. Standing Committees

VII. Special Committees--No report.

VIII. Proposed Courses and Programs--No proposals in the queue.

IX. Faculty Emeritus--None.

X. Transfer of Credit Policy for Graduate Studies

The policy as distributed was approved. {see attachment to the October 7, 2003, Minutes}

XI. Revision of the Proposed Undergraduate Incomplete Grade Policy

Several senators had some questions and comments about the policy, which were clarified. The policy {see attachment to October 7, 2003, Minutes} was passed with dissents from Senators Blazer, McCotter, Yalda and Anna.

XII. Discussion of Teacher/Educator of the Year Award

After a lengthy discussion, amendments to the document were passed by the following motions.

A final draft will be distributed at a later date.

Senator Kerper presented a memo prepared by the Department of Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education. The memo explained the department's reasons for deciding not to participate in this award {see Attachment #1}

XIII. Other/New Business--None.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Elba I. Rohena
Senate Secretary

Action Summary
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