1. Squirt section of PVC pipe with 70%
ethanol and allow to dry in laminar flow hood.
Create cradle with generic plastic wrap; be careful not to
touch middle.
Secure with rubber band.
Cover with lid of sterile petri plate.
3. Wipe
3-day egg with 70% ethanol.
Allow to sit on side in
37º C incubator for 5-10 minutes to allow embryo to
rotate to top side.
Remove lid from cradle, leave in hood. Crack lower side on
edge of finger bowl.
Resolutely open into cradle.
Cover with lid and return to 37ºC incubator. The embryo
will float to the
surface. Obviously the
embryo will develop best if the yolk is not broken. Warm,
eggs break more easily than
refrigerated ones, unfortunately, but embryos will
survive for a while if there
are only small tears in the yolk.
Observe periodically to watch organ development and extra
embryonic membrane formation.
Do not keep outside the
incubator for more than 5 minutes.
Remove dead embryos promptly
to freezer.
Examine the survivors after
one week and compare them to control embryos incubated in
the shell.
Chick embryo cultured for 2 days
Chick embryos cultured for 7 days (left) and 15 days