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Franklin & Marshall College

Independent Study(Bio 390 and 490)

Aline Nguyen (Fall 1997, Spring 1998), "The role of Tbx5 in regulating branching signals in the developing lung bud"

Amer Khan (Summer sessions I and II, 1998), "Implication of PTPg in chick lung secondary bronchi formation is
addressed through the use of retroviral vectors in the developing lung"

Rebecca Shearman (Fall 1998, Spring 1999), "Interference in the sonic hedgehog signaling pathway by cyclopamine
induces craniofacial malformations in chick embryos"

Veronica Oropeza (Fall 1999), "A regulatory loop in feather bud development"

Ibro Ambeskovic (Fall 1999, Spring 2000), "Receptor tyrosine protein phosphatase-gamma, RPTP-g, is critical for
primitive hematopoesis in cultured chicken epiblasts"

Jill Flemming (Spring 2000, Fall 2000, Spring 2001), "The effects of cyclopamine on chick craniofacial development
and the sonic hedgehog signaling pathway"

Adam Ligas (Spring 2000, Fall 2000, Spring 2001), " Cyclopamine titrations on avian dorsal skin explants"

Jessica Ann Billet (Fall 2000), "Cell development and patterning in vertebrate hematopoiesis: a matter of influences".

Ashley Rowan (Spring 2001), "SHH, FGF-10, and BMP-4: lung branching morphogenesis"


Hackman Scholars

Ibro Ambeskovic (Summer 1998, 1999)
Rose Gardner (Summer 1998)
Golru Ghaffari (Summer 1998)
Veronica Oropeza (Summer 1999)
Ashley Rowan (Summer 2000)
Adam Ligas (Summer 2000)

Michelle Kayal Memorial Scholar

Adam Ligas (Summer 1999)

Princeton University

Grace Lin (Fall 1993, Spring 1994), "The expression pattern of Brachyury and Tbx2 during mouse embryogenesis"

Jennifer Halpern (Fall 1994, Spring 1995), "A model for posterior development"

Gordon Lam (Fall 1994, Spring 1995), "Characterization of a novel gene family in mammalian development: the
expression patterns of the Tbx genes"

Jane Kim (Fall 1994, Spring 1995), "The patterns and influences of murine tail development"

Peter Yeh (Fall 1994, Spring 1995), "Expression of the Tbx genes in response to mesoderm induction and

[ Cebra-Thomas ]