1 2 3 4

TBST/2 mM levamisole (500 ml):

500 mL 1 X TBST 240 mg levamisole

Pre-blocking solution (10 ml):

9 ml TBST
1 ml heat inactivated sheep serum

Anti -DIG pre-incubation solution (1 ml):

99% TBST (1 ml)
1% sheep serum (10 µl)
0.3% heat-inactivated embryo powder

150 mM NaCl (3 ml 5 M NaCl) 100 mM Tris (5 ml 2 M Tris, pH 9.5 25 mM MgCl2(0.52 ml 4.9 M MgCl2) dH2O

CT (100 ml):

Prepare a 10% (w/v) solution of Polyvinyl alcohol (MW 31-50 kDa, Aldrich Chemicals) in CT buffer. PVA will only go into solution upon heating on a stir plate with moderate stirring. (Do not allow the solution to come to a full boil)Allow to cool down to room temp before using.

AP detection solution (50 ml):PVA-CT
ml NBT
BCIP/NBT: Gibco 8280SA
5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-Indolylphosphate p-Toluidine salt, 50 mg/ml in DMF
Nitroblue Tetrazolium Chloride, 75 mg/ml in 70% DMF

CMFET (500 ml)

4 g NaCl
0.1 gKCl
0.58 gNa2HPO4 (anhyd.)
0.1 gKH2PO4 (anhyd)
0.1 gEDTA
0.5 ml Tween-20
bring to 500 ml with dH2O.

@2004 Cebra-Thomas

Last Modified: 17 August 2004

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