
Through this research we intended to block
Tbx2expression using
antisense oligonucleotides and to observe the morphological
effects that
Tbx2blocking has on
developing mouse vibrissa pads (whisker pads).
Summary of Follicle
Development:Hair follicle
induction begins around stage 21, or 13 days post coitus
(dpc). The first visible marker of a site that will become a
hair follicle is the placode, a condensation of mesoderm
underneath a small symmetric invagination of epidermis (Oro,
575; Hardy, 55). The morphogenesis of hair is dependent on
epithelium-mesenchyme interactions (Hardy, 55; Moore, 308;
Gat, 605; Chiang, 1). Hair follicle development can be
generally summarized as a two step process. The first step
is initiation and induction. This step involves determining
cell fate, and determining pattern formation, which
determines the number and the spacing of the placodes
(Moore, 308, Kashiwagi, 22). Initially this first step
begins when a mesenchymal signal instructs the ectoderm to
form a placode (Gat, 605; Chiang, 1). Next, the ectoderm
produces a signal that initiates formation of a mesenchymal
dermal structure, called the dermal papilla (Gat, 605,
Hardy, 56). During this is stage the epithelium forms a
column of cells which penetrates the mesenchyme, while the
mesenchyme ensheaths the column; it is this aggregate that
will be incorporated into the dermal papilla (Moore, 309;