The cyclopamine used in this experiment was pre-dissolved
in ethanol at a concentration of 1 mg per ml. With a
molecular weight of 409.61 grams per mole, this is a 0.00244
molar solution. The calculations for determining the amount
needed to reach a certain molarity of the Ringer's solution
were fairly simple, though the ethanol had the potential to
complicate the experiment. To account for the toxicity of ethanol, this expermiment
was conducted in two phases. In both phases the embryos (10
per sample for part 1, 15 per sample for part 2) were
exposed to their designated concentrations of cyclopamine
for 24 hours, at which time their Ringer's solution was
replaced with fresh solution without the cyclopamine/ethanol
mixture. The embryos were photographed every day as they
1 2 3
In the first phase, the cyclopamine solution was used at
varying concentrations (listed below in micromoles). This
table showed that at any concentration greater than 100
micromoles, the embryos would not survive, so the second
part of the experiment was changed to meet our new data.
Last Modified: 12 May 2000
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