The third day observations
exhibited controls which were at the pluteus larvae stage.
The larvae were normal and mobile. The other three samples
all looked similar. They were very irregular and
underdeveloped. Sample 2 had an especially large number of
dead cells that appeared in clumps. D, H, & L are embryos which have been irradiated just prior to fertilization. Pictures were taken at D=5 hours, H=2 days, and L=3 days. B, E, I, & M are images of embryos which have been irradiated 10 minutes after fertilization. Pictures were taken at B=30 minutes, E=5 hours, I=2 days, and M=3 days. F, J, & N are embryos which have been irradiated 30 minutes after fertilization. Pictures were taken at F=5 hours, J=2 days, and N=3 days. |
Last Modified: 25 April, 2000
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