Millersville University, Faculty Senate


Faculty Senate Meeting

2 December 1997

Prior Minutes
...| Chairperson | Student Senate | President McNairy | Provost Stager | Vice-President Eckert | Associate Provost Roller
...| Gen Ed Review | Women's Studies Curriculum | Academic Policies | Academic Theme
...Proposed Courses | Technology Vision Task Force Report | Enrollment Management Questionniare

The meeting came to order at 4:07 p.m. in Chryst 210. All departments except Art and Foreign Languages were present. Dr. Lynch (Counseling and Human Development) was excused.


The minutes of
18 November 1997 were approved with one correction on p. 4323: The Academic Standards Committee discussed "the letters sent to students on academic probation and on dismissal."



D. Eidam reminded faculty senators of upcoming elections of officers. He encouraged the senators to stress the importance of attending commencement, 21 December at 2 p.m., with their departments. He reported on the 1 December SPARC meeting and he read a letter from Dr. Marcia Rook, Department of Special Education, into the record concerning SPED 435.

Student Senate

M. Dinofia reported on the 4 December meeting. The Student Senate voted to regain from the administration their ability to make men's and women's athletics allocations. The senators are discussing changing the allocations process and raising student activities fee. They also voted to enact weekly meetings for Thursdays at 6:30. Miss DiNofia announced the presidency of the Student Senate is now a three-credit internship in Political Science. The 1998 calendar includes an all-student organization banquet on 8 February and a SSHE student governance meeting, April 23-25.

Administrative Officers

President F. McNairy announced the university has been successful in securing competitive state-sponsored SSHE collaborative grants for equipment and for the virtual university project. She reminded everyone of the importance of attending commencement.

Provost J. Stager reminded everyone of the rule about holding a class meeting if a final is not being given during final exams week. He commented further on the virtual university project and its relationship to other state grants to: initiate system-wide imperatives; provide for technology training; and for enhancing student learning. Teleconferencing equipment has been installed in Ganser B-10. Dr. Diane Umble (COMM/THEA) is coordinating faculty use of the facility.

Vice-President G. Eckert reported on the Capital Campaign and on the fund-raising strategies which had been most successful (matching funds, designated gifts, and planned giving).

Associate Provost J. Roller announced the appointment of Dr. Kirsten Bookmiller (POL SCI) as Director of International Affairs. Dr. Roller thanked the faculty who served as on-site advisors during pre-registration.


General Education Review Committee

C. Stameshkin placed the position description for the Director of General Education on the 3 February 1998 agenda (See
Attachment 1). She encouraged faculty to participate in the curriculum discussion through the Senate's Web site.

Women's Studies Curriculum

B. Schneller reported the WSCC approved three courses for the WS program: ANTH 226: Comparative Societies--Women and Ethnography; EDFN 386/586 (WSTU 491): Special Topics-Critical Pedagogy, Justice, and El Salvador; and HIST 209.01: Topics in U.S. History: Women in American History.

Academic Policies

K. Bookmiller placed a document on determining the QPA in the major on the 3 February agenda (see
Attachment 2).

Academic Theme

J. Piperberg announced the memo calling for theme proposals is being distributed. The deadline for submission is 17 February 1998.


Proposed Course

The Senate approved the Minor in Anthropology.


The Senate failed to elect a chair for the Academic Policies Committee. Another attempt will be made 3 February.

Technology Vision Task Force Report

Barbara Hunsberger reported on the Technology Vision Task Force's document approved by PAC. She distributed a summary of her presentation (
Attachment 3) and responded to faculty questions and comments on standards, teaching and technology, and on staffing needs.

Enrollment Management Questionnaire

Associate Provost J. Roller was recognized to discuss the Enrollment Management Request for Information Document (See
Attachment 2, 18 November minutes, pp. 4327-4330). Dr. Roller acknowledged Dr. Delray Schultz, a member of the Admissions, Advisement, and Student Affairs Committee (AASAC), and Dr. Beverly Schneller, a member of the Enrollment Management Task Force and the AASAC. Dr. Roller provided a brief background on the task force's work and on her recent meeting with the AASAC. She asked Senators to discuss the questionnaire within their departments.

The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. The next meeting of the Faculty Senate is 3 February 1998.

Respectfully submitted,

Beverly Schneller,

Prior Minutes
...| Chairperson | Student Senate | President McNairy | Provost Stager | Vice-President Eckert | Associate Provost Roller
...| Gen Ed Review | Women's Studies Curriculum | Academic Policies | Academic Theme
...Proposed Courses | Technology Vision Task Force Report | Enrollment Management Questionniare

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