The derivative of a function tells us about
the rate of change of f. If
is a function with 2 inputs and 1 output, what does
"rate of change" mean?
The graph of is a surface in 3 dimensions.
Imagine standing somewhere on the surface. How steep is the surface
A little thought shows that the question is ambiguous. For example, if you're standing on the side of a hill, the slope is steep in the uphill and downhill directions. On the other hand, the slope is gentle if you walk along the side of the hill at a constant altitude.
You can see that in order to discuss the rate of change of a function
of several variables, you need to specify the direction in which the
change occurs. This may seem to be a complicated proposition. At a
given point , you can move in infinitely many
For simplicity, suppose I'll consider changes in the x- and
y-directions first. If you're at the point and you move in the x-direction by a small amount h,
you wind up at the point
. The change in f is
The average rate of change is
As usual, you can take the limit as to obtain the instantaneous rate of change:
This is the partial derivative of f with respect to
x; notice that the notation is a little
different than the
notation for ordinary
derivatives. Likewise, the partial derivative of f
with respect to y is
It measures the rate at which f changes as y changes.
Subscripts can also be used to denote partial derivatives. Thus,
To see what partial derivatives mean pictorially, consider the graph
of a surface :
The partial derivatives of f at a point on the surface are the rates
of change of f in the x- and y-directions. Draw curves through the
point in the x- and y-directions. Then and
are just the slopes of these
curves at the point.
Notice that in computing these partial derivatives, you change one variable at a time, holding the other constant. This is the key to computing partial derivatives: You differentiate as usual with respect to one variable at a time, holding the others constant.
Example. Compute the partial derivatives of
The partial derivatives are
Notice that I used the product rule in computing , because f is a product (x times
) with respect to x. But I don't need the product
rule to compute
: with respect to y, the first
factor x is constant.
Example. Compute the partial derivatives of
Example. Suppose is a function of x alone and
is a function of y alone. Compute the partial
derivatives of
The same idea applies to computing partial derivatives of functions
of more than two variables. For example, the partial derivatives of
In each case, you compute the partial derivative with respect to the variable FOO by differentiating with respect to FOO while holding the other variables constant.
Here's the general definition for a function of n variables. Assume
, where U is a subset of
. We usually assume U is an open
set, but you don't need to worry about it in this course.
Definition. The partial
derivative of f with respect to is
Since this is just the derivative of the single variable function
, all your
usual derivative formulas from single-variable calculus work. I won't
them all, but here are some examples.
Proposition. Suppose ,
functions of n variables
, ...
, and c is a number.
(a) .
(b) .
(c) .
(d) , provided
I've written for short.
Example. Compute the partial derivatives of
Example. Compute the partial derivatives of
There are also have higher order derivatives, and here some
complications can arise. Suppose . The second
derivatives should be the derivatives of the first derivatives. There
are two first derivatives,
, and each of these may be differentiated with
respect to x and to y. So there seem to be 4 second-order partials,
(Notice that the subscript notation has the bottom variables in the opposite order from the fractional notation. The rationale is that in the subscript notation, variables "pile up" on the right side as you take more derivatives.)
Example. Compute the second partial
derivatives of .
Notice that the two mixed partials and
are equal. In fact,
this fact (which is called equality of mixed
partials is true for most "nice" functions. The
technical definition of "niceness" is that the function
have continuous second-order partial
derivatives. Here's the result stated in all its technical glory.
Theorem. Suppose U is an open subset of and
is a function of n
variables. If the second-order partial derivatives of f are
continuous, then for
With appropriate assumptions, higher-order mixed partials involving the same variables to the same orders are also equal. For example, for a function of 3 variables satisfying the right assumptions,
Example. Compute the second partial
derivatives of .
There are 3 first-order partials, each of which has 3 partial
derivatives, so there are 9 second-order partials. But equality of
mixed partials implies that some of these will be the same; for
example, . There are actually only 6
distinct second-order partials.
Copyright 2018 by Bruce Ikenaga