The full description of these equations is: Linear constant coefficient homogeneous equations. The equations described in the title have the form
Here y is a function of x, and , ... ,
are {\it constants}. Linear means the
equation is a sum of the derivatives of y, each multiplied by x
stuff. (In this case, the x stuff is constant.) Homogeneous
means that the right side is 0 --- there's no term involving only x.
It's convenient to let stand for the
operation of differentiating with respect to x. (Note that
is the operation of
differentiation, whereas
is the
derivative.) In this notation,
computes the second
computes the third derivative, and
so on. The equation above becomes
Example. The following equations are linear homogeneous equations with constant coefficients:
A solution to the equation is a function which satisfies the equation. Equivalently,
if you think of
a linear transformation, it is an element of the kernel of the
The general solution is a linear combination of the elements of a basis for the kernel, with the coefficients being arbitrary constants.
The form of the equation makes it reasonable that a solution should
be a function whose derivatives are constant multiples of itself.
is such a function:
Plug into
The result:
Factor out and cancel it. This leaves
Thus, is a solution to the original equation
exactly when m is a root of this polynomial. The polynomial is called
the characteristic polynomial; as the
derivation showed, it's obtained by building a polynomial using the
coefficients of the original differential equation.
Example. Solve .
The characteristic polynomial is ; solving
, so
. The general solution is
You can check this by plugging back in. Here are the derivatives:
Example. Solve .
It's easy to write down the characteristic equation: just replace the D's with m's:
The roots are and
. (Don't fall into the trap of assuming
that roots must be integers, or even rationals!) The solution is
What happens if there are repeated roots? Look at the equation . The characteristic equation is
, which has
as a double root. It is true that
is a solution, but it would be incorrect to write
The terms and
are redundant --- you could combine them to get
. To put it another way, as
are linearly
It is reasonable to suppose that for a second order equation you
should have two different solutions. is one; how can you find another?
The idea is to guess the form that such a solution might take. Guess:
i.e. something times the known solution . What should f be?
To find f, plug into the equation. Here are
the derivatives:
Plug them in:
Hence, . Integrate twice and obtain
. Thus,
In fact, this is the general solution --- notice the two arbitrary
constants. The functions and
are indpendent solutions to the original equation.
In general, if m is a repeated root of multiplicity k in the
characteristic polynomial, you get terms ,
, ... ,
in the general solution.
Example. Solve .
The characteristic equation is , which has
as a root with multiplicity 3. The general solution
Example. Solve .
The characteristic equation is , or
. The roots are 1, 2, and -1
(double). The general solution is
Note: You can write the terms in the solution in any order you
please. Nor does it matter which "c" goes with which term,
since they {\it are} arbitrary constants.
Example. ( Linear systems) Suppose x and y are functions of t. Consider the system of differential equations
I want to solve for x and y in terms of t.
Solve the second equation for x:
Plug the expressions for x and into the first equation:
The characteristic equation is , or
. The roots are
. Therefore,
Now , so
There are other ways of solving linear systems, but for small systems
brute force works reasonably well!
Now suppose the characteristic equation has a complex root . From basic algebra, complex roots of real
polynomials come in conjugate pairs:
. It's reasonable to expect
However, these are complex solutions, and you should have real solutions to the original real differential equation. I'll use the complex exponential formula
You can derive this formula by considering the Taylor series for ,
, and
Let and
. Observe that
can be solved for in
terms of
, so no generality is
lost with this substitution. Then
Each pair of conjugate complex roots in the characteristic equation generates a
pair of independent solutions of this form.
Example. Solve .
The characteristic equation has roots
. The solution is
Example. Solve .
The characteristic equation has
. The solution is
Example. Solve .
The characteristic polynomial factors into
. The roots are
. The solution is
Example. Solve .
The characteristic equation has
repeated complex roots:
(each double).
The solution is
(What's the solution to
Copyright 2008 by Bruce Ikenaga