In this section, I'll collect some results and terminology connected with functions. I'll assume that you have some experience with functions from earlier courses, and I won't give a formal definition of "function".
If X and Y are sets, the notation denotes a function named
"f" which takes its inputs from the sets X and produces
outputs in the set Y. The set X is callled the
domain and the set Y is called the
What I just described is notation for functions; I'm not
giving a precise definition of what a function is. You've
seen functions in other courses --- calculus, for instance. You were
probably told at some point that a function is a "rule" for
producing outputs from inputs, and this intuitive idea is okay for
this course. However, if you're someone who likes causing trouble for
yourself, you can do so here by asking what a "rule" is:
It's not so easy to say in a precise way. I'll give a quick
description of the solution, and let you read more in a book on set
theory or math proof if you're interested. A function from a set X to
a set Y is a subset of the product , such that if
are in the subset, then
. For this course, you do not need to understand the
last sentence!
The sets X and Y are part of the definition of the function. In some
elementary courses, all the functions take real numbers (or at least
some real numbers) to real numbers, and the domain and codomain are
"understood". The "domain" (or
natural domain, as it is sometimes called) is the largest set of
real numbers for which the expression defining the function is
defined. In such a course, for example, the "domain" of
would be all real numbers except for 1.
In this course, however, we'll be careful and specify the domain and codomain explicitly. This becomes important, for instance, in defining injective and surjective functions.
If is a function, the image of f
) is the set of all possible outputs of f. In terms
of set notation,
Notice that the image of f is contained in the codomain Y, but it can be smaller than Y.
You might have heard the term range used in connection with functions, but we'll avoid it because it was (unfortunately) used in two different ways. Sometimes, it meant what I've called the codomain, but it was also used to refer to what is now called the image. The codomain is simply a set which contains all possible outputs of the function (the image), but not every element of the codomain must be an output of the function.
Remark. (a) When you write the definition of a
function like " ", you can use whatever
variable you wish for the input. It would be the same to write
". You could use a word for the input
to the function (as is often done in compute programming) and write
You could even use words for the whole definition: "The function f is defined by taking an input, squaring it, and adding 1, and returning the result as the output." This is the way math was written before people started using symbols --- and you can see why people started using symbols!
In math, unlike in computer programming, it has been traditional to save writing and use single letters to name variables, such as the variables used to define functions. There are also some loose conventions about what letters you use for various purposes. For instance, x is often used as the input variable in a function definition, and i, j, and k are often used as index variables in summations.
(b) The variables used to define a function are only
"active" within the function definition. Once you reach the
end of the expression " ", there is no
variable named "x" hanging around --- you can't ask at that
point "Is x equal to 3?" In computer programming terms, you
might say that x isn't a global variable; it's in
scope only within the definition "
You might think about the last paragraph if you start getting
confused when we discuss composites and inverse functions below.
Here are three key properties that a function may have.
Definition. Let be a function
with domain X and codomain Y.
(a) f is injective if implies
(b) f is surjective if for all , there is an
such that
(c) f is bijective if it is injective and surjective.
The older terms (which some people still use) are one-to-one instead of injective, onto instead of surjective, and one-to-one correspondence for bijective.
Remark. You can restate the definition of injective this way: f is
injective if implies
. (This is the contrapositive
of the original definition.) In this form, the definition says that
different inputs always give different outputs.
If different inputs can give the same output, the function is not injective.
The definition of surjective means that everything in the codomain is
an output of f --- that is, .
If is smaller than y, so some points in Y aren't in
, the function is not surjective.
To say that f is bijective means that f "pairs up" the elements of X and the elements of Y --- one element of X paired with exactly one element of Y.
This picture shows a bijection f from the set to the set
It is defined by
It is injective because two different inputs always produce two
different outputs. It is surjective because every element of the
codomain is an output of f.
Example. (a) is
defined by
. Prove that f is injective but not
(b) is defined by
Prove that f is surjective but not injective.
(c) is defined by
. Prove
that f is bijective.
(a) Suppose . Then
, so
, and hence
. Thus, f is injective.
f is not surjective, because there is no such that
. This would imply
, but
is positive for all x.
(b) Let . If
, then
. Hence,
. If
, then
. In both cases, I've found an
input to f which produces the output y. So f is surjective.
f is not injective: , and
, so
The graph of f is shown below.
In the case of functions , you can interpret
surjectivity this way: Every horizontal line hits the graph at least
once. You can interpret injectivity this way: No horizontal line hits
the graph more than once. Look at the graph and see how it shows that
f is surjective, but not injective.
While this is visually appealing, this is a special case ---
do not remember these ideas as the definitions of injective
and surjective. For instance, they would not apply if you had a
function .
(c) Suppose . Then
Hence, f is injective.
Suppose . I need
such that
. I will work backwards to "guess" what x
should be, then verify my guess.
, so
, and
. That's my "guess" for x; I still have to
show it works. (Why doesn't what I did prove it? Because I worked
backwards, so I have to check that all the steps I took are
reversible.) Here's the check:
Hence, f is surjective. Since f is injective and surjective, it's
Example. is defined
Show that f is injective, but not surjective.
To show f is injective, suppose . Then
Equating the first components, I have
Equating the second components and using , I have
Hence, , so f is injective.
To show f is not surjective, I must find a pair in which is not an output of f. There are lots of pairs
which work; I will use
. So suppose
. Then
Equating the first components, I have
Equating the second components and using , I have
This is a contradiction, since for all y. So there is no
such that
, and hence f is not
The thought process I used in choosing was this. I saw
that the expression
was restricted in the values it can take:
It's always positive. So I tried to get a contradiction by forcing it
to equal a negative number. I could do this by forcing x in
to be positive. I could force
by setting the first component
to a value so that solving for x would produce a
positive number --- 10 happens to work.
Definition. Let X, Y, and Z be sets, and let
be functions. The composite of f and g is the function
defined by
Note that " " does not mean
multiplication. I will often write "
" for the
composite, to ensure that there's no confusion. Also, "
" is read from right to left, so it means
"do f first, then g".
Example. (a) Suppose is defined by
is defined by
. Find
, and
(b) Suppose is given by
is given by
. Find
(c) Suppose is given by
. Find
Note that .
For example, to compute , I substituted
for s and
for t in the definition of
Definition. Let A and B be sets, and let and
be functions. f and g are inverses if
The inverse of f is denoted . (Note that
" is not a "-1 power", in the sense of
a reciprocal.) Using this notation, I can write the equations in the
inverse definition as
The identity function on a set X is the
function defined by
for all
. We may write "
" instead of
" if it's clear what set is intended.
Using this definition and the notation for the composite of functions, we can write the two equations which say that f and g are inverses as
Example. Define by
. Show that f and g are inverses.
Let .
Since and
for all
, it follows that f and g are inverses.
Example. Let be
given by
. Find
and verify that it's the inverse by checking the
inverse definition.
I guess by working backwards. Suppose
. Then
Solve the last equation for x:
Thus, my guess is . I got this by
. I need to verify that my guess
works by checking the inverse definition.
Since for all
for all
, it follows that
is the inverse function of f.
Note: While I needed to use different letters x and y for the output
and input variables for , you can use any variable you
want in writing the definition of a function. So once I have my guess
, I could have written the definition as
and checked the inverse definition using
Not every function has an inverse --- in fact, we'll see below that having an inverse is equivalent to being bijective.
Example. Define by
. Prove that f does not have an inverse.
If you have some experience with proof writing, you may know that a negative statement ("does not have an inverse") is often proved by contradiction: You assume the negation of the statement to be proved and try to get a contradiction. If the statement to be proved is a negative statement, its negation will be a positive statement.
So suppose that f has an inverse . Then
for all x. In particular,
. But
, so I get
This is a contradiction, because is a function, so
it can't produce two different outputs (2 and -2) for the same input
(14). Hence, f does not have an inverse.
Note: Instead of 2 and -2, you could choose 5 and -5 or 17 and -17,
and so on. Lots of pairs of numbers would work. You could also get a
contradiction using the equation : Take
and see what happens!
Example. Let be
given by
. Find
and verify that it's the inverse by checking the
inverse definition.
I'll guess by working backwards, then verify that my
guess works. Suppose
. Then
The second equality gives two equations:
The first equation gives , so
. Plugging this into the second equation gives
Thus, my guess is
I check the inverse definition:
The inverse definition checks, so .
Note: While the names of the input variables to a function are
arbitrary, I used a and b as the input variables to rather than x and y to avoid confusion --- I was
already using x and y as the input variables for f.
The next result says that having an inverse is the same as being bijective.
Theorem. Let X and Y be sets, and let be a function. f is bijective if and only if it has
an inverse --- that is,
Proof. To prove a statement of the form A if and only if B, I must do two things: First, I assume that A is true and prove that B is true; next, I assume that B is true and prove that A is true.
First, suppose that exists, so
I need to prove that f is bijective.
To show that f is injective, suppose that for
. Then
Therefore, f is injective.
To show f is surjective, suppose . I must find an element
of X which f maps to y. This is easy, since
, and
Therefore, f is surjective. Hence, f is bijective.
Next, suppose f is bijective. I must show that exists. Now
should be a
function from Y to X, so I need to start with
and define where
maps it. Since f is
bijective, it is surjective. Therefore,
for some
. I'd like to define
There's a possible problem. In general, it's possible that and
. In that
case, how would I define
Fortunately, f is injective. So if and
, then
, and so
by injectivity. In other words, there is one and only
such that
, and it's safe for me to
(Notice how I used both parts of the definition of bijective ---
surjectivity and injectivity --- to define .)
All I have to do is to check the inverse definition. First, if , then by definition
is the
element of X which f takes to
--- but that element
is x. Hence,
Next, if , then by definition
is the element
such that
. So
Thus, the function I've defined really is the inverse
of f.
Thus, to show a function is bijective, you just need to show the function has an inverse. Often this is easy, because you can tell what the inverse should be given the function's definition. All you have to do is check that the "obvious" inverse really is the inverse.
For instance, if is defined by
, it's obvious that the opposite of
"cubing" is "cube rooting". So I expect the
inverse to be
. The check is easy:
Since f has an inverse, it's bijective.
Copyright 2022 by Bruce Ikenaga