Definition. Let V be a vector space over a
field F, and let . The set S is linearly independent if
, and
A set of vectors which is not linearly independent is linearly dependent. (I'll usually say
"independent" and "dependent" for short.) Thus, a
set of vectors S is dependent if there are vectors and numbers
, not all of which are 0,
such that
Note that S could be an infinite set of vectors.
In words, the definition says that if a linear combination of any finite set of vectors in S equals the zero vector, then all the coefficients in the linear combination must be 0. I'll refer to such a linear combination as a trivial linear combination.
On the other hand, a linear combination of vectors is nontrivial if at least one of the coefficients is nonzero. ("At least one" doesn't mean "all" --- a nontrivial linear combination can have some zero coefficients, as long as at least one is nonzero.)
Thus, we can also say that a set of vectors is independent if there is no nontrivial linear combination among finitely many of the vectors which is equal to 0. And a set of vectors is dependent if there is some nontrivial linear combination among finitely many of the vectors which is equal to 0.
Let's see a pictorial example of a dependent set. Consider the
following vectors u, v, and w in .
I'll show how to get a nontrivial linear combination of the vectors that is equal to the zero vector. Project w onto the lines of u and v.
The projections are multiples of u and
of v. Since w is the diagonal of the parallelogram
whose sides are
, we have
This is a nontrivial linear combination of u, v and w which is equal
to the zero vector, so is dependent.
In fact, it's true that any 3 vectors in are dependent, and this pictorial example should make
this reasonable. More generally, if F is a field then any n vectors
are dependent if
. We'll prove this below.
Example. If F is a field, the standard basis vectors are
Show that they form an independent set in .
I have to show all the a's are 0. Now
Since by assumption , I get
Hence, , and the set is
Example. Show that any set containing the zero vector is dependent.
If , then
. The left
side is a nontrivial (since
) linear
combination of vectors in S --- actually, a vector in S. The
linear combination is equal to 0. Hence, S is dependent.
Notice that it doesn't matter what else is in S (if anything).
Example. Show that the vectors and
are dependent in
I have to find numbers a and b, not both 0, such that
In this case, you can probably juggle numbers in your head to see that
This shows that the vectors are dependent. There are infinitely many
pairs of numbers a and b that work. In examples to follow, I'll show
how to find numbers systematically in cases where the arithmetic
isn't so easy.
Example. Suppose u, v, w, and x are vectors in
a vector space. Prove that the set is dependent.
Notice that in the four vectors in , each of u, v, w, and x
occurs once with a plus sign and once with a minus sign. So
This is a dependence relation, so the set is dependent.
If you can't see an "easy" linear combination of a set of vectors that equals 0, you may have to determine independence or dependence by solving a system of equations.
Example. Consider the following sets of
vectors in . If the set is independent, prove
it. If the set is dependent, find a nontrivial linear combination of
the vectors which is equal to 0.
(a) .
(b) .
(a) Write a linear combination of the vectors and set it equal to 0:
I have to determine whether this implies that .
Note: When I convert vectors given in "parenthesis form" to "matrix form", I'll turn the vectors into column vectors as above. This is consistent with the way I've set up systems of linear equations. Thus,
The vector equation above is equivalent to the matrix equation
Row reduce to solve:
Note: Row operations won't change the last column of zeros, so you don't actually need to write it when you do the row reduction. I'll put it in to avoid confusion.
The last matrix gives the equations
Therefore, the vectors are independent.
(b) Write
This gives the matrix equation
Row reduce to solve:
This gives the equations
Thus, and
. I can get a
nontrivial solution by setting c to any nonzero number. I'll use
. This gives
. So
This is a linear dependence relation, and the vectors are
The same approach works for vectors in where F is a field other than the real numbers.
Example. Consider the set of vectors
If the set is independent, prove it. If the set is dependent, find a nontrivial linear combination of the vectors which is equal to 0.
This gives the matrix equation
Row reduce to solve the system:
This gives the equations
Thus, and
. Set
. This gives
. Hence, the set is dependent, and
Example. Consider the following set of vectors
in :
If the set is independent, prove it. If the set is dependent, find a nontrivial inear combination of the vectors equal to 0.
This gives the matrix equation
Row reduce to solve the system:
This gives the equations
Hence, and
. Set
. Then
. Therefore, the set is dependent, and
To summarize, to determine whether vectors ,
, ...,
in a vector space V are independent, I try to solve
If the only solution is , then the vectors are independent; otherwise, they
are dependent.
It's important to understand this general setup, and not just
memorize the special case of vectors in , as shown in the last few examples. Remember that
vectors don't have to look like things like "
" ("numbers in slots").
Consider the next example, for instance.
Example. is a vector space
over the reals. Show that the set
is independent.
That is,
Two polynomials are equal if and only if their corresponding
coefficients are equal. Hence, . Therefore,
In some cases, you can tell by inspection that a set is dependent. I noted earlier that a set containing the zero vector must be dependent. Here's another easy case.
Proposition. If , a set of n vectors in
is dependent.
Proof. Suppose are n vectors in
, and
. Write
This gives the matrix equation
To solve, I'd row reduce the matrix
Note that this matrix has m rows and columns, and
The row-reduced echelon form can have at most one leading coefficient
in each row, so there are at most m leading coefficients. These
correspond to the main variables in the solution. Since there are n
variables and , there must be some parameter
variables. By setting any parameter variables equal to nonzero
numbers, I get a nontrivial solution for
, ...
. This implies that
is dependent.
Example. Is the following set of vectors in
independent or dependent?
Any set of three (or more) vectors in is dependent.
Notice that we know this by just counting the number of vectors. To
answer the given question, we don't actually have to give a
nontrivial linear combination of the vectors that's equal to 0.
Proposition. Let be vectors in
, where F is a field.
is independent if and only if the
matrix constructed using the vectors as columns is invertible:
Proof. Suppose the set is independent. Consider the system
Multiplying out the left side, this gives
By independence, . Thus,
the system above has only the zero vector 0 as a solution. An earlier
theorem on invertibility shows that this means the matrix of v's is
Conversely, suppose the following matrix is invertible:
Write this as a matrix equation and solve it:
This gives . Hence, the
v's are independent.
Note that this proposition requires that you have n vectors in --- the number of vectors must match the dimension of
the space.
The result can also be stated in contrapositive form: The set of vectors is dependent if and only if the matrix having the vectors as columns is not invertible. I'll use this form in the next example.
Example. Consider the following set of vectors
in :
For what values of x is the set dependent?
I have 3 vectors in , so the previous
result applies.
Construct the matrix having the vectors as columns:
The set is dependent when A is not invertible, and A is not invertible when its determinant is equal to 0. Now
Thus, for
. For those values of x, the
original set is dependent.
The next proposition says that a independent set can be thought of as a set without "redundancy", in the sense that you can't build any one of the vectors out of the others.
Proposition. Let V be a vector space over a
field F, and let . S is dependent if
and only if some
can be expressed as a linear
combination of vectors in S.
Proof. Suppose can be written as a linear combination of vectors in
S other than v:
Here (where
for all i) and
This is a nontrivial linear relation among elements of S. Hence, S is dependent.
Conversely, suppose S is dependent. Then there are elements (not all 0) and
such that
Since not all the a's are 0, at least one is nonzero. There's no harm
in assuming that . (If another a was nonzero
instead, just relabel the a's and v's so
and start again.)
Since , its inverse
is defined. So
Thus, I've expressed as a linear
combination of other vectors in S.
Independence of sets of functions
In some cases, we can use a determinant to tell that a finite set of functions is independent. The determinant is called the Wronskian, and its rows are the successive derivatives of the original functions.
Definition. Let be a set of functions
which are differentiable
times. The Wronskian is
Naturally, this requires that the functions be sufficiently differentiable.
Theorem. Let be the real vector space of functions
which are differentiable
times. Let
be a subset of
at some point
, then S is independent.
Thus, if you can find some value of x for which the Wronskian is nonzero, the functions are independent.
The converse is false, and we'll give a counterexample to the converse below. The converse does hold with additional conditions: For example, if the functions are solutions to a linear differential equation.
Proof. Let
I have to show all the a's are 0.
This equation is an identity in x, so I may differentiate it repeatedly to get n equations:
I can write this in matrix form:
Plug in :
The determinant of this matrix is the Wronskian , which by assumption is nonzero.
Since the determinant is nonzero, the matrix is invertible. So
Since , the functions are
Example. denotes the
vector space over
consisting of twice-differentiable
. Demonstrate that the set
of functions
is independent in
Compute the Wronskian:
I can find values of x for which the Wronskian is nonzero: for
example, if , then
. Hence,
is independent.
The next example shows that the converse of the last theorem is false: You can have a set of independent functions whose Wronskian is always 0 (so there's no point where the Wronskian is nonzero).
Example. denotes the
vector space over
consisting of differentiable
. Let
Show that is independent in
, but
for all
Note: You can check that g is differentiable at 0, and .
For independence, suppose that and
for all
. Plugging in
, I get
Plugging in (and noting that
), I get
Adding and
, so
. Plugging
. This proves that
is independent.
The Wronskian is
I'll take cases.
Since and
, I have
If , I have
, so
If , I have
, so
This shows that for all
Copyright 2022 by Bruce Ikenaga