In this section, all of the matrices will be real or complex matrices.
The solution to the exponential growth equation
A constant coefficient linear system has a similar form, but we have vectors and a matrix instead of scalars:
Thus, if A is an real matrix, then
It's natural to ask whether you can solve a constant coefficient linear system using some kind of exponential, as with the exponential growth equation.
If a solution to the system is to have the same form as the growth equation solution, it should look like
But " " seems to be e raised to a matrix
power! How does that make any sense? It turns out that the matrix exponential
can be defined in a reasonable way.
From calculus, the Taylor series for is
It converges absolutely for all z.
It A is an matrix with real entries, define
The powers make sense, since A is a square matrix. It
is possible to show that this series converges for all t and every
matrix A.
As a consequence, I can differentiate the series term-by-term:
This shows that solves the differential equation
. The initial condition vector
yields the particular solution
This works, because (by setting
in the power series).
Another familiar property of ordinary exponentials holds for the
matrix exponential: If A and B commute (that is, ), then
You can prove this by multiplying the power series for the
exponentials on the left. ( is just
Example. Compute if
Compute the successive powers of A:
You can compute the exponential of an arbitrary diagonal matrix in the same way:
For example, if
Using this idea, we can compute when A is
diagonalizable. First, I'll give examples where we can compute
: First, using a "lucky" pattern, and
second, using our knowledge of how to solve a system of differential
Example. Compute if
Compute the successive powers of A:
Here's where the last equality came from:
In the last example, we got lucky in being able to recognize a pattern in the terms of the power series. Here is what happens if we aren't so lucky.
Example. Compute , if
If you compute powers of A as in the last two examples, there is no evident pattern:
It looks like it would be difficult to compute the matrix exponential using the power series.
I'll use the fact that is the solution to a linear
system. The system's coefficient matrix is A, so the system is
You can solve this system by hand. For instance, the first equation gives
Plugging these expressions for y and into
, I get
After some simplification, this becomes
The solution is
Plugging this into the expression for y above and doing some ugly algebra gives
Next, remember that if B is a matrix,
Try this out with a particular B to see how it works.
In particular, this is true for . Now
is the solution satisfying
, but
Set to get the first column of
Solving this system of equations for and
, I get
. So
Set to get the second column of
Therefore, ,
. Hence,
So I found , but this was a lot of work (not
all of which I wrote out!), and A was just a
We noted earlier that we can compute fairly easily in case A is diagonalizable. Recall
that an
matrix A is
diagonalizable if it has n independent eigenvectors. (This is
true, for example, if A has n distinct eigenvalues.)
Suppose A is diagonalizable with independent eigenvectors and corresponding eigenvalues
. Let S be the matrix whose
columns are the eigenvectors:
We saw earlier how to compute the exponential for the diagonal matrix D:
But note that
Notice how each " " pair cancels.
Continuing in this way --- you can give a formal proof using
induction --- we have
. Therefore,
Notice that S and have "switched places"
from the original diagonalization equation.
Thus, if A is diagonalizable, find the eigenvalues and use them to
construct the diagonal matrix with the exponentials in the middle.
Find a set of independent eigenvectors and use them to construct S
and . Putting everything into the equation
above gives
Example. Compute if
The characteristic polynomial is and the
eigenvalues are
. Since there are two different eigenvalues
and A is a
matrix, A is diagonalizable. The
corresponding eigenvectors are
. Thus,
Example. Compute if
The characteristic polynomial is and the
eigenvalues are
(a double root). The corresponding
eigenvectors are
, and
. Since I have
3 independent eigenvectors, the matrix is diagonalizable.
I have
From this, it follows that
Here's a quick check you can use when computing . Plugging
, the identity matrix. For
instance, in the last example, if you set
in the right side, it checks:
However, this check isn't foolproof --- just because you get I by
setting doesn't mean your answer is right. However,
if you don't get I, your answer is surely wrong!
A better check that is a little more work is to compute the
derivative of , and then set
. You should get A. To see this, note that
Evaluating both sides of this equation at gives
. Since the theory of differential
equations tells us that the solution to an initial value problem of
this kind is unique, if your answer passes these checks then it
. I think it's good to do the
first (easier) check, even if you don't do the second.
If you try this in the previous example, you'll find that the second check works as well.
Unfortunately, not every matrix is diagonalizable. How do we compute
for an arbitrary real matrix?
One approach is to use the Jordan canonical form for a matrix, but this would require a discussion of canonical forms, a large subject in itself.
Note that any method for finding requires finding
the eigenvalues of A which is, in general, a difficult problem. For
instance, there are methods from numerical analysis for
approximating the eigenvalues of a matrix.
I'll describe an iterative algorithm for computing that only requires that one know the eigenvalues of
A. There are various such algorithms for computing the matrix
exponential; this one, which is due to Richard Williamson [1], seems
to me to be the easiest for hand computation. It's also possible to
implement this method using a computer algebra system like
maxima or Mathematica.
Let A be an matrix. Let
be a list of the
eigenvalues, with multiple eigenvalues repeated according to their
The last phrase means that if the characteristic polynomial is , the eigenvalue 1 is listed 3 times. So
your list of eigenvalues might be
. But you can list them in any order; if
you wanted to show off, you could make your list
. It will probably make the computations
easier and less error-prone if you list the eigenvalues in some
"nice" way (so either
Remark. If you've seen
convolutions before, you might recognize that the expression for
is a convolution:
In general, the convolution of f and g is
If you haven't seen this before, don't worry: you do not need to know
this! The important thing (which gives the definition of ) is the integral on the right side.
To prove that this algorithm works, I'll show that the expression on
the right satisfies the differential equation . To do this, I'll need two facts about the
characteristic polynomial
1. .
2. ( Cayley-Hamilton Theorem) .
Observe that if is the characteristic polynomial,
then using the first fact and the definition of the B's,
By the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem,
I will use this fact in the proof below. First, let's see an example of the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Let
The characteristic polynomial is . The Cayley-Hamilton theorem asserts that if you
plug A into
, you'll get the zero matrix.
We've verified the Cayley-Hamilton theorem for this matrix. We'll
provide a proof elsewhere. Let's give a proof of the algorithm for
Proof of the algorithm. First,
Recall that the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus says that
Applying this and the Product Rule, I can differentiate to obtain
Expand the terms using
Making this substitution and telescoping the sum, I have
(The result (*) proved above was used in the next-to-the-last equality.) Combining the results above, I've shown that
This shows that satisfies
Using the power series expansion, I have . So
(Remember that matrix multiplication is not commutative in general!)
It follows that is a constant matrix.
Set . Since
, it follows that
. In addition,
, and hence
Example. Use the matrix exponential to solve
is the solution vector.
The characteristic polynomial is . You can check
that there is only one independent eigenvector, so I can't solve the
system by diagonalizing. I could use generalized
eigenvectors to solve the system, but I will use the matrix
exponential to illustrate the algorithm.
First, list the eigenvalues: . Since
is a double root, it is listed twice.
First, I'll compute the 's:
Here are the 's:
As a rough check, note that setting produces the identity.)
The solution to the given initial value problem is
You can get the general solution by replacing with
Example. Find if
The eigenvalues are obviously (double) and
First, I'll compute the 's. I have
, and
Next, I'll compute the 's.
, and
Example. Use the matrix exponential to solve
is the solution vector.
This example will demonstrate how the algorithm for works when the eigenvalues are complex.
The characteristic polynomial is . The
eigenvalues are
. I will list them as
First, I'll compute the 's.
, and
Next, I'll compute the 's.
, and
I want a real solution, so I'll use DeMoivre's Formula to simplify:
Plugging these into the expression for above, I have
Notice that all the i's have dropped out! This reflects the obvious fact that the exponential of a real matrix must be a real matrix.
Finally, the general solution to the original system is
Example. Solve the following system using both the matrix exponential and the eigenvector methods.
is the solution vector.
The characteristic polynomial is . The
eigenvalues are
Consider :
As this is an eigenvector matrix, it must be singular, and hence the
rows must be multiples. So ignore the second row. I want a vector
such that
. To get such a vector, switch the
and -1 and negate one of them:
. Thus,
is an eigenvector.
The corresponding solution is
Take the real and imaginary parts:
The solution is
Now I'll solve the equation using the matrix exponential. The
eigenvalues are . Compute the
, and
(Here and below, I'm cheating a little in the comparison by not showing all the algebra involved in the simplification. You need to use DeMoivre's Formula to eliminate the complex exponentials.)
Next, compute the 's.
, and
The solution is
Taking into account some of the algebra I didn't show for the matrix
exponential, I think the eigenvector approach is easier.
Example. Solve the following system using both the matrix exponential and the (generalized) eigenvector methods.
is the solution vector.
I'll do this first using the generalized eigenvector method, then using the matrix exponential.
The characteristic polynomial is . The
eigenvalue is
Ignore the first row, and divide the second row by 2, obtaining the
vector . I want
such that
. Swap 1
and -2 and negate the -2: I get
. This is
an eigenvector for
Since I only have one eigenvector, I need a generalized eigenvector.
This means I need such that
Row reduce:
This means that . Setting
. The generalized
eigenvector is
The solution is
Next, I'll solve the system using the matrix exponential. The
eigenvalues are . First, I'll compute the
, and
Next, compute the 's.
, and
The solution is
In this case, finding the solution using the matrix exponential may
be a little bit easier.
[1] Richard Williamson, Introduction to differential equations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986.
Copyright 2023 by Bruce Ikenaga