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The uptake of green flourescent protein using Lipofecin® was succesful as indicated by the green granules observed using flourescent microscopy. As seen in Figure 2 a anb b, GFP was expressed most noticabley adjacent to the nueral tube in the somite region. The microscope images were imported into Scion Image. The appearance of flourescent granuales confirms that the retrovirus was able to transfect the chicken embryo and maintain transcriptional and translational integrity.

Figure 2. Gfp expression. Embryonic cells were transfected with retroviral Gfp. The cells were successfully transformed as indicated by fluorescing granules which appear light gray to white in the figures above. Images were taken with an attachable black and white microscope camera and imported into Adobe Photoshop for labeling. a) The entire chicken embryo after GFP transfection at (4X). b) A treated embryo exhibits GFP in regions adjacent to the neural tube and in the somites (10X).

@Cebra-Thomas, 2001

Last Modified: 2 August 2001

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