Objective Intro Materials Procedure Results Discussion Lit. Cited Prep Sheet

Effects of Valproic Acid on Somite Development and Chondrogenesis in Danio rerio

Jake Beckman
Swarthmore College, 2004



The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of valproic acid exposure on somite patterning and cartilage formation in Zebrafish embryos. Valproic acid affects the expression of Pax-1, a gene product that regulates the differentiation of bone precursors in somites. This suggests the potential for valproic acid to disrupt early somite organization as well as early osteogenesis. Embryos will be treated with 0.1 M and 0.05 M valproic acid and scored for visible malformations.

Jake and sculpture

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© Cebra-Thomas, 2001
Last Modified: 14 July 2014

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