Objectives Introduction
Results Figure
Discussion Acknowledgements
and References
The zebrafish embryos were observed 24 hours after treatment, thus approximately 30 hours after fertilization. The embryos in the ZF embryo medium control were staged at approximately 42 hpf. Some had extended their tails out of their chorions while some remained curled inside of them. Normal eye development was observed in each and no other deformities were noted (figure 1A-B). The embryos in the low-concentration (1%) ethanol control were staged between 31 and 35 hpf, 7-11 hpf behind the ZF embryo medium control. They were healthy and moving, and no deformities were observed (figure 1C). The high-concentration (3%) embryos, by contrast, showed may deformities and did not appear to be alive. They could not be accurately staged. Distended yolks, disorganized or missing somites, oddly developed, withered, or unextended tails, flattened or premature and jutting heads, and underdeveloped eyes were observed (figure 1D). The embryos in the low-concentration (20 mg/ml) cyclopamine solution were staged at 31 to 35 hpf. Deformities were observed, although the embryos appeared to be living. Bent tails, odd head formation, poor anterior trunk formation, underdeveloped or anteriorly positioned eyes, no eyes but one lens, and lack of heart and circulation were all noted (figure 1E-G). The embryos in the high-concentration (60 mg/ml) solution were staged around the 15-17 somite stage (17-18 hpf) based on yolk shape and head development. The observed deformities included disorganized, missing or misshapen posterior ends, elongated yolks, and lack of somites (Figure 1H). The embryos were observed again after another 24 hours of incubation, thus approximately 54 hours after fertilization. The embryos in the ZF medium control were staged at 72 hpf. All had hatched from their chorions. The embryos in the 1% ethanol control were staged at 60 hpf. Not all had emerged from their chorions. No deformities were noted. The embryos in the 3% ethanol control appeared to be dead. Those not still in their chorions were not visible in the dish. There were no embryos visible in either of the cyclopamine solutions. An increased presence of unicellular organisms, also seen the previous day, was noted, as was the presence of empty chorions. In the high-concentration solution, which had several undeveloped, several degraded cell masses remained in their chorions. |