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The transplant adhered, and the eye formation took place. It was necessary to make sure that the transplant adheres to the flank of the albino, otherwise the wound will not heal, and the transplant will dissociate from the embryo. During the experiment the embryo continued its development up to the stage 36. Since at the stage 16 the cells in the eye forming region are already committed to become neural cells, the transplanted patch was
able to form independently, regardless of its new position.

IMAGE imgs/Lyuda05.gif

Gilbert, S.F. 1997. Developmental Biology, 5th ed. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.,
pp. 173-175, 255-257.
Johnson, L.G. 1995. Patterns and Experimental Biology, 2nd ed. W.C. Brown Publisher,p.52. Moody, S.A. 1999. Cell Lineage and Fate Determination, Academic Press, pp.353-355

© Cebra-Thomas 2000

Last Modified: 5 August 2001

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