
Sea Urchin
Gamete collection
can be induced in adult sea urchins by injecting 1 ml of a
0.5M KCl solution into several
sites in the soft membrane around the mouth. Within minutes,
the gametes should appear: the
sperm are off-white, the eggs are tan to orange. Collect the
sperm by inverting the male
onto a small, dry petri dish. After several minutes, cover
the sperm and put on ice. Collect
the eggs by inverting the
female onto a small beaker filled with ASW
(room temperature for L.
variegatus, and below 14ºC for S.purpuratus
and L.pictus ). Keep urchins from falling in
with aluminum foil supports.
Allow eggs to settle, pour off ASW and replace with fresh
ASW (at same temperature).

Injection of S.
purpuratus with 0.5M KCl
Collection of sperm (left)
and eggs (right) from L.
the gonads can be removed from the animal by dissection and
the gametes isolated from them.
The sperm can be transfered to a small
tube and stored at 4° C for up to 2 weeks. Eggs should
normally be used on the same day as they are collected.
Consult the Sea
Urchin Embryology web site for
a protocol for collecting the eggs with antibiotics, which
allows them to be stored for several weeks before use. Check
to see if the population contains a large percentage of
immature eggs; they will not fertilize.

prep sheet
Proceed to Fertilization