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The effects of different concentrations of lithium chloride on the development of Brachydanio rerio embryos Jessica N. White Swarthmore College


Previous studies by Stachel and colleagues indicate that lithium chloride induction of post-midblastular Brachydanio rerio embryos results in deficiencies in normal anterior-posterior development. To determine whether or not higher concentrations of lithium chloride lead to successively greater defects in anterior-posterior development, D. rerio embryos were induced with the following variable concentrations of lithium chloride: 0.45 M, 0.30 M, 0.15 M, and 0.00 M. Embryos induced with 0.15M of LiCl exhibited little or no phenotypic deviation from the control group, whereas 0.30 M and 0.45 M LiCl-induced embryos did not develop eyes and showed signs of perturbed tail development.The results of this experiment suggest that the degree of inhibition of normal anterior-posterior development increased in embryos induced with higher concentrations of lithium chloride. Lithium chloride induction may be responsible for the reduced transcription of goosecoid in the anterior regions of D. rerio or the prevention of cell movements allowing the anterolateral accumulation of goosecoid, resulting in the perturbation of normal anterior development (Stachel et. al., 1993).


Created May 10, 2004
By J.N. White

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Last Modified: 1 August 2012

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