
Over a period of five days, the attrition rate
for embryos in this experiment was as follows. In
attempting to dejelly the embryos, 17 attempts out of 29
(58.6%) were successful. Six embryos were therefore lost
while dejellying. While cutting grafts from the donor
embryos, 12 attempts out of 20 (60.0%) were successful in
procuring transplant tissue. Placing the graft tissue
into the host embryos seemed less problematic, with ten
out of twelve attempts successful (83.3%).
Finally, of the ten grafts that were placed, four
grafts survived until the next day, meaning that the
embryo was alive with its graft still in place. Three
survived to the second day of observation, two survived
to the third day of observation, and one (just) survived
to the fourth day of observation. Observations were then
Below is the table of observations.
Date (m/d/yr)
# Surviving grafts
All grafts look quite good; LF
(Lauren Fety) has three, LT (Laura Twichell) has
five, AC (Anisha Chandra) has two. There is also a
control. Embryo donors are at Stage 15/16. Embryo
hosts are at Stage 25.
10:00 am. Out of the
ten original grafts, five have lost their grafts
(two LF, three LT) and five remain. Embryos are at
about Stage 29.
5:10 pm. Neural cords are much more defined;
have elongated. Embryos area at Stage 31. One graft
is not intact (LT). AC 1 has a ragged edge around
its graft; AC 2 has healed well. LF's graft looks
nearly perfectly healed. Four grafts remain.
Embryos are at approximately Stage 31.
10:30 pm. No change in embryos; however, AC
2 got gash in side when moved w/eyebrow hair.
Attempted to patch wound. Embryos are visibly
older, at about Stage 32-33.
1:30 pm. AC 2 has
'exploded', spilling contents over dish. Embryos
were transferred to 50% HEPES this morning. AC 1,
LT, and LF still appear to have grafts intact.
4:30 pm. Cleaned out remnants of dead
embryos from dish; all three embryos with grafts
intact move when touched (show reflex movement for
first time). Are elongated with distinct tail buds
and visible spinal chords. Seem to have reached
Stage 35.
6 pm. AC 1 has also
'exploded', rejected the graft (floating freely in
solution), and is dead. LT, LF embryos do not show
much change (opportunity to observe today was
limited to five minutes). Changed embryos from 50%
to 20 % rearing solution. Two embryos remain. Stage
10:30 am. LT embryo
alive but graft has been rejected (floating in
solution). Can see spinal column, tail, clearly.
Moves when approached with eyebrow hair. Control
(dejellied egg but did not operate) embryo has
grown into a textbook specimen. Moves continually,
has balancers, responds to light (difficult to
photograph!). LF is alive, has balancers, but also
has rejected its graft. LT embryo is alive with
balancers, tail, and...what is presumably eye
tissue in the middle of its back! It is not moving
and appears to be in an unstable condition.
(Perhaps it is affected by death of other embryo in
dish overnight). Will probably not survive long.