were successfully transplanted into donor recipients. A wild
type axolotl that had received an albino transplant survived
the longest and displayed the ability to retain the
transplanted graft and continue development. The albino
recipients of wild type grafts were not as successful
because the graft blended into the albino's natural color
and could not be easily distinguished. Microsurgery was
complicated and the regions that were transplanted either
were not the gill organ field or were not directly
transplanted into the gill organ field. However, it is
important to note that those grafts that were transplanted
did successfully stay in the recipients and the recipients
continued to develop with the graft.

Figure 2: A picture of a wild
type axolotl embryo 2 days after the albino axolotl graft
had been transplanted into it. The graft is located below
the gill field but still has been successfully transplanted
and has become a part of the developing embryo.