Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Meeting of the Faculty Senate
May 6, 2003

The meeting was called to order at 4:11 pm. All academic departments were represented.

I. Approval of Minutes

The Faculty Senate Minutes of the April 15 meeting were approved as distributed.

II. Announcements of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

  1. Committee chairs were reminded to send to the Chairperson electronic versions of their annual reports. He also suggested that they send them directly to Marjorie Warmkessel, who would then add them to the Website.

  2. The Chairperson announced that he has received a number of reports about elections for department senators whose terms will expire this year. The elections should be held by May 31.

  3. The June meeting will be on June 10 at 3 pm in STB 210.

  4. The Chairperson announced that he plans to have a committee roster showing committee vacancies for the Fall 2003 semester at the June meeting. He will also check on people who will not be able to run for certain seats because of our term limit rules. He noted that one vital committee would need a replacement chair--UCPRC. Bob Wismer has served his allotted two terms and cannot run for another term. The Chairperson noted that B. Wismer has done a great job, especially this year under difficult circumstances and a significant amount of time pressure, and he thanked him for the work he has done with UCPRC. The Chairperson urged Senators to consider taking over UCPRC next fall.

  5. The Chairperson announced that he presented the framed resolution, which was passed at the April 15 Faculty Senate meeting, to President Caputo last week.

  6. President Caputo presented the framed resolution and thanked the Faculty Senate both for passing the resolution and for the framing.

III. International Studies Recommendation by the Academic Policies Committee

The Government and Political Affairs Department presented their response to discussions at the April 15, 2003 meeting. {See Attachment #1}

Faculty Senate passed three motions stemming from the Academic Policies Committee International Studies Report. Additions to the original recommendations are in boldface; portions of the original recommendations that have been stricken are shown with a strikethrough. The motions appear below:

The three recommendations were voted on separately:

  1. Faculty Senate directed the chair of the Academic Policies Committee to convene a joint meeting of all-curricular bodies and groups that are involved in interdisciplinary studies. These shall include:

    The purpose of this meeting is to charge the groups to frame interdisciplinary studies policy that meets the University's current needs and is flexible enough to accommodate future needs. This policy shall frame the following:

    Each group shall submit its final written report to the Academic Policies Committee by Thanksgiving Break (November 25, 2003). The Academic Policies Committee shall propose Interdisciplinary Studies policies by the first Faculty Senate meeting in March 2004.

  2. In the interim, the deans of each academic unit hold elections to fill vacant seats on the International Studies Curriculum Committee.

  3. The original APC recommendation below was replaced by a substitute B. Dorman/B. Stengel motion. The substitute motion appears below the original motion:

    The International Studies Curriculum Committee solicit nominations for the position of Coordinator of the International Studies Curriculum Committee, review all applications, and recommend one or more candidates for the president's or designee's consideration for interim appointment.

    Faculty Senate recommends to the Administration of the University that Robert Bookmiller should serve as International Studies Curriculum Coordinator until the beginning of the Fall 2004 term.

IV. Report of the Student Senate President--No report.

V. Report of the Graduate Student Organization--No report.

VI. Report of the Administrative Officers

Provost F. McNairy expressed appreciation to the departments that modified their curricula based on the 120-credit maximum mandate and to the committees that coordinated these actions. She announced that the University would be submitting a proposal requesting permanent exceptions for some programs, mostly certain B. S. E. curricula. She also urged faculty to attend Commencement on May 17.

Associate Provost C. Phillips echoed Provost McNairy's appreciation for the departments and committees involved with curriculum changes due to the 120-credit mandate. She also mentioned that letters were to be sent to faculty that will explain the options for students' degree programs in light of the curriculum changes.

Inese Wheeler and Chip Kirchner reported that the Human Subjects Research Committee will be changing policies and procedures in order to bring the University into compliance with federal regulations regarding human subjects.

VII. Reports of Standing Committees

UCPRC Chair R. Wismer announced that he would send copies of the proposals that are approved at the May 12, 2003 UCPRC meeting to all senators before the June 10, 2003 meeting. The list of proposals that were approved by UCPRC and presented at today's Senate meeting are listed below:

EDFN 330 Instructional Technology, Design, and Assessment - Change of title, catalog description, content.

HUMN 391 Topics in the Humanities - New G1, W course

120CR BA Chemistry Cooperative Engineering - Reduce BS Engineering credits awarded from 25 to19

120CR BSEd Biology - Add BIOL 375 (Biometry), reduce BIOL electives by 3 credits; total is 129 credits

120CR BSBiology Respiratory Therapy - Drop 26 credits from degree. Add Clinical II coursework (26 cr) as requirement for certification.

PSYC 462 Psychology and Creativity in Art, Music, & the Written Word - New Perspectives course

ENGL Film/Literature minor - new minor

ENGL Film/Literature option - new option

120CR BS Geology - Delete ESCI 325, revise ECSI 326 to 4 credits, require ESCI 423, make ESCI 422 elective

120CR BS Biological Oceanography - Move BIOL 375 Biometry from required to recommended

120CR BS Chemical Oceanography - Move CHEM 375 Environmental Chem. required to recommended

120CR BS Geological Oceanography - Remove ESCI 325 & 485; add ESCI 366 Ocean Resources

120CR BS Physical Oceanography - Move MATH 467 Partial Diff.Eqns. from required to recommended

120CR ESCI 326 Sedimentation - Incorporate content from Stratigraphy (and delete ESCI 325) and increase to 4 credits

J. Fenwick, reporting for the General Education Review Committee, mentioned that the committee has reorganized parts of the Governance Manual to remove old language and to update materials therein. He also announced that the proposed Diversity Requirement has been postponed indefinitely at the request of the Commission on Cultural Diversity. He mentioned the need for each school to provide specific definitions/criteria for courses to be considered General Education courses within each of the blocks.

Reporting for GCPRC, R. Mowery introduced NURS 799 as well as an experimental course policy for graduate studies to provide for a maximum of one per department per year.

VIII. Reports of Special Committees

Reporting for the Honor Code Committee, K. Schreiber announced that their proposal would be presented in the Fall.

Fred Foster-Clark presented a report of the General Education Task Force and presented a draft of guiding principles that the task force had agreed upon. {See Attachment #2}

IX. Proposed Courses and Programs

X. Faculty Emeritus--None.

XI. Election of Senate Secretary--Postponed until June meeting.

XI. Educator of the Year Award

S. Yalda introduced the proposal and asked for input from departments. {See Attachment #3} A brief discussion followed.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Paul Studdard
Faculty Senate Secretary

Action Summary
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