Millersville University, Faculty Senate
Meeting of the Faculty Senate
April 16, 2002

Senate Chairperson Piperberg called the meeting to order at 4:09 p.m. The minutes of the April 2, 2002 meeting were approved as amended. The date of the Minutes approved at that meeting was corrected to March 5, 2002 instead of March 19, 2002.

Report of the Faculty Senate Chairperson

Report of the Student Senate President

Report of the Graduate Student Organization President No report.

Report of the Administrative Officers

Reports of the Faculty Senate Standing Committees

UCPRC Chair Bob Wismer presented a packet of course proposals from the Art Department, which revises the Printmaking courses already offered.

Reports of the Faculty Senate Special Committees

Senator Schreiber presented the Ad Hoc Honor Code Committee's Recommendation for an Honor Code System to be implemented at Millersville University. The committee found that an Honor Code is both feasible and advisable for a school the size of Millersville and should deal specifically with the issue of academic honesty. The discussion of this issue was lengthy and will be continued at the May Senate meeting. (see attachment)

Proposed Courses and Programs

There were seven proposals, all passed without dissent:

    ESCI 328 - Petrography/Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, 4 credits.
    Existing non-Gen Ed course requesting a Writing-Across-the-Curriculum (W) designation. Effective Fall 2002.

    BUAD 201 - Introduction to International Business, 3 credits.
    Existing non-Gen Ed course requesting a General Education Liberal Arts Core (G3) designation. Effective Fall 2002.

    ENGL 240 - Introduction to Film, 3 credits.
    Existing Gen Ed course (G1) requesting a Writing-Across-the-Curriculum (W) designation. Effective Fall 2002.

    ENGL 481 - History of Film, 3 credits.
    Existing Gen Ed course (G1) requesting a Writing-Across-the-Curriculum (W) designation. Effective Fall 2002.

    ENGL 482 - Film and American Society, 3 credits.
    Existing Gen Ed course (G1) requesting a Writing-Across-the-Curriculum (W) designation. Effective Fall 2002.

    WSTU 345 - Feminist Research in Women's Studies, 3 credits.
    Requesting a G3 Liberal Arts Core designation. Effective Fall 2002.

    Change in the policy for Admission to the Biology Major. Presently admission of students from other departments or undeclared status to the Biology major requires grades of C (2.0) or better in CHEM 111, CHEM 112 and either BIOL 211 or BIOL 221, as well as an overall QPA of 2.0. The proposed policy will require that the student is in satisfactory academic standing as described in the Undergraduate Catalog. Students who were previously dropped from a Biology major must also satisfy the Biology Retention in the Major criteria before being readmitted to the Biology major.

    Faculty Emeritus

    A resolution supporting Mr. Donald Eidam for Professor of Mathematics Emeritus status passed with significant "dissent" after a Fenwick/Piperberg motion. {see attachment}

    A resolution supporting Dr. Margaret Tassia for Professor of Elementary and Early Childhood Education Emeritus status passed without dissent after a Kerper/Heintzelman motion. (see attachment)

    A resolution supporting Dr. Dennis Denenberg for Professor of Elementary and Early Childhood Education Emeritus status passed without dissent after a Kerper/Borger-Greco motion. (see attachment)

    A resolution supporting Dr. Liliana Zancu for Professor of English Emeritus status passed without dissent after a Rosenthal/Stengel motion. {see attachment}

    A resolution supporting Professor Josophine Van Wyk for Professor of English Emeritus status passed without dissent after a Rosenthal/Wismer motion. (see attachment)

    A resolution supporting Dr. Joseph Grosh for Professor of Physics Emeritus status passed without dissent after a Price/Yalda motion. (see attachment)

    Discussion of Proposal for Institution of an Award Recognizing Teaching Excellence at Millersville University

    Senator Yalda presented the working draft of a faculty award proposal from the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award Committee. The proposal is to be discussed at future Senate meetings. (see attachment)

    Discussion of Proposed Diversity (D) Requirement

    Postponed until the May Senate meeting.

    Other/New Business


    The meeting adjourned at 5:43 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Paul Studdard
    Acting Secretary

    Action Summary
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